Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

SAI - News

Annual Conference of the Study Group South Asia
Four Members of the department of geography at the South Asia Institute presented their research at the annual conference of the Study Group South Asia in the German Geographical Society (DGfG) in Göttingen, January 23-24 2015.
At the annual conference of the Study Group South Asia in Göttingen scholars discussed current challenges in South Asia from a geographical perspective. Dr. Juliane Dame spoke on the topic „Multilokalität im Himalaya: Diversifizierung der Lebenssicherung und neue Mobilität in Ladakh, Nordindien“. Aditya Ghosh („Everyday disasters in Indian Sundarbans“), Judith Müller („Urbanisierung, Wassermanagement und Gesundheit in Leh (Ladakh) – Eine politisch-ökologische Analyse im indischen Himalaya“) and Julia Poerting („Who controls the land in certified organic farming? Discerning the divide between de jure and de facto land control”) presented parts of their ongoing doctoral research.
02 Feb 2015
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