Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Kathmandu Branch Office
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Frederic Maria Link, M.A.

South Asia Institute
Heidelberg University
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Microfilm-Ordering Process
Starting from June 1, 2016 we resume the microfilm-ordering process of the former Nepal Research Centre (NRC) at the National Archives in Kathmandu.

Kathmandu Branch Office


New book on „Caring for Old Age. Perspectives from South Asia“ edited by Prof. Dr. Christiane Brosius and Roberta Mandoki

 Caring for Old AgeProf. Dr. Christiane Brosius and Roberta Mandoki have just published their edited volume "Caring for Old Age. Perspectives from South Asia" in the "Heidelberg Studies on Transculturality" series (vol 8) of HeiUP. The book can be ordered on demand and be downloaded for free and is available from HeiUP


The volume results from the Cluster-project “Ageing in a Transcultural Context” that was headed by Christiane Brosius, Andreas Kruse and Axel Michaels, including the PhD research tandem of Roberta Mandoki (on Kathmandu) and Dr. Annika Mayer (on Delhi). Mandoki and Mayer had earlier jointly developed the online platform “Elderscapes. Ageing in Urban South Asia” .


Caring for Old Age brings together eleven chapters by scholars from different disciplines and regional backgrounds. In addition to increasing urbanization and mobility, many societies are simultaneously experiencing rising life expectancies and an aging of their overall population. Such fundamental demographic and structural changes are reflected in a variety of narratives and strategies about what a "good age(s)" can look like in the face of rapidly transforming environments, human mobility and changing social relationships. This volume explores the transcultural dimensions of age(s) and care in ethnographic and literary case studies in both South Asia and in a South Asian study in Europe. The contributions in this volume critically examine Eurocentric aspects of age(s) research and examine how perspectives from the Global South can reveal transcultural linkages and connectivities of care and age(s) experiences.



Inhalt /Abstract


Neben zunehmender Urbanisierung und Mobilität erleben viele Gesellschaften gleichzeitig steigende Lebenserwartungen und ein Älterwerden ihrer Gesamtbevölkerung. Solch grundlegende demografische und strukturelle Veränderungen spiegeln sich in einer Vielzahl von Narrativen und Strategien wider, wie ein „gutes Alter(n)“ angesichts sich rapide transformierender Umgebungen, der Mobilität von Menschen und sich wandelnder sozialer Beziehungen aussehen kann. Dieser Band erforscht die transkulturellen Dimensionen von Alter(n) und Care in ethnografischen und literarischen Fallstudien sowohl in Südasien als auch in einer südasiatischen Studie in Europa. Die elf Beiträge dieses Bandes setzen sich kritisch mit eurozentrischen Aspekten in der Alter(n)sforschung auseinander und untersuchen, wie Perspektiven aus dem Globalen Süden transkulturelle Verflechtungen und Konnektivitäten von Care- und Alter(n)serfahrungen aufzeigen können.



The contemporary understanding of active ageing developed from a shift in research focus from questions of old age to questions of ageing. Thereby, human development is conceptualized as a life-long process, a dynamic and continuous interplay of age-connected and age-independent developmental factors, which people explicitly conceived of as agents of their own development. Taking a primarily individual perspective, active ageing can be understood as a preventive concept. With continuous engagement in personally meaningful relationships and contexts, and the systematic use of chances and opportunities, physical, psychological, and social losses and deficits can be prevented, or at least substantially delayed. Referring to more recent definitions of productivity—i.e. intellectual, emotional, and motivational expressions of productivity in higher age groups—it is further argued that even when suffering severe physical losses and loss of independence, people still have the option to use their capabilities to be productive for others or for society as a whole.




20 Apr 2020
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