Kultur- und Religionsgeschichte Südasiens
Cultural and Religious History of South Asia



Dr. Anand Mishra

Dr. Anand Mishra

Voßstrasse 2
Building 4130, Room 130.02.17
69115 Heidelberg • Germany

+49(0)6221 54 15263


Tues. 14-16 Hrs.

Anand Mishra lehrt seit 2009 als wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in der Abteilung Kultur- und Religionsgeschichte Südasiens (Klassische Indologie) der Universität Heidelberg. Seine wissenschaftliche Forschung konzentriert sich hauptsächlich auf die Repräsentation und der Formulierung von Wissen innerhalb des (alt-)indischen Wissensystems, darunter v.a. die Bereiche Sanskrit-Grammatik und Ritualforschung. Seine Dissertation „Modeling the Pāṇinian System of Sanskrit Grammar“ handelt von dem Ansatz, Pāṇinis Grammatiksystem von einem formalen Standpunkt aus zu erklären und zielt auf eine non-verbale Darstellung dessen unter Anwendung mathematischer Kategorien und logischer Verknüpfungen ab. Vorher war er Mitarbeiter in dem DFG-Forschungsprogramm „Ritualdynamik“ der Universität Heidelberg. Weitere seiner Forschungsinteressen beinhalten den mittelalterlichen Vaiṣṇavismus, insbesondere Śuddhādvaita.

Anand Mishra studierte Mathematik am Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, Indien und Computerlinguistik und Kultur- und Religionsgeschichte Südasiens an der Universität Heidelberg, Deutschland.

Anand Mishra joined the Department of Cultural and Religious History of South Asia (Classical Indology) at the Heidelberg University, Germany in 2009 where, at present, he is an assistant faculty member. His main research interest lies in investigating the representation and formulation of knowledge in ancient Indian knowledge systems, especially Sanskrit grammar and ritual studies. His doctoral dissertation on „Modeling the Pāṇinian System of Sanskrit Grammar“ attempts to explore the Pāṇinian System from a formal point of view and aims for its non-verbal representation in terms of mathematical categories and logical relations. Previously he was part of the special research program of the German Research Foundation „Ritual Dynamics“ at Heidelberg University. His other research interests include Medieval Vaiṣṇavism, especially Śuddhādvaita.

Anand Mishra studied Mathematics at the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India and Computational Linguistics and Classical Indology at Heidelberg University, Germany.

Publikationen | Publications

(Auswahl | selected list)

Vedic Sciences and Our Changing Perspectives towards the Vedas. In: Transcultural Dialogues, FIND, Issue 06, 2021, Pp. 16-27.

Thinking Rite: Towards Talmudo-Mīmāṃsā. In: Tradition of Commentaries and the Dynamics of Knowledge Shree Somnath Sanskrit University, Somnath, 2020. (Together with Naphtali Meshel, Hillel Mali and Meera Shridhara).

Sanskrit and computer science. In: Science and Scientification in South Asia and Europe, Eds., Axel Michaels and Christoph Wulf, Routledge, 2020, Pp. 42-56.

Modeling the Pāṇinian System of Sanskrit Grammar. Heidelberg University Publishing, 2019.

Lehre | Teaching

(Auswahl | selected list)

The Question of Dharma in Ancient India (Seminar, SoSe 2021)

Pāṇini’s Sanskrit Grammar - an introduction (Seminar, WiSe 19/20)

Mīmāṃsā-sūtra of Jaimini with the commentary of Śabarasvāmin (Reading course, SoSe 19)

Introduction to Indian Philosophy (Seminar, WiSe 18/19)

Digital Scholarly Editing of Indic Texts (Seminar, WiSe 18/19)

Ethical rigour vs. Ritual propriety (Seminar, SoSe 18)


Sekretariat | Office
Lizeth Ortiz-Carreño
Mon. & Wed. 09:00 - 17 Hrs.
Fri. 13-17 Hrs. (Home Office)
Voßstrasse 2 • Building 4130 • Room 130.02.14
+49 (0) 6221 54 15260


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