Statement on Fair Conduct at the South Asia Institute
At Heidelberg University, people interact with each other on a daily basis in their studies, work, and research. Heidelberg University condemns all forms of discrimination, vilification, bullying and stalking. Such acts are forbidden. In addition, they constitute a violation of obligations under labour law, public service law, civil service law and university law, which will be penalised accordingly. These are laid down in the “Senate Guideline of Fair Conduct”.
The South Asia Institute aims to create a collegial and rich academic environment for researchers, staff, guests and students alike. Accordingly, the SAI has committed to a zero-tolerance approach to harassment, including sexual and gender-based harassment, but also discrimination, bullying and stalking; conflicts should be resolved constructively where possible.
Members of the SAI community can report infractions of behaviour to any of the in-house contacts listed below, as confidential persons to turn to for action on cases of sexual and gender-based harassment, racism, discrimination, bullying, or stalking. The below contacts are trained in how to deal with complaints, and know when to escalate the issue to the University’s Equal Opportunities Office (UNIFY), or the Police, for action.
GUIDE programme - Confidential Guides at Heidelberg University
From November 15, 2024, confidential guides will start their voluntary work for GUIDE - UNIFY's procedure for the professional handling of conflicts and misconduct as new contact points at the university. They know about applicable procedures and can refer to relevant contact persons. Guides are situated in various facilities at the university. Their support is local, quick and confidential.
Members of the university seeking advice can contact their person of trust from the 'pool of all confidential guides for GUIDE' in the event of discrimination, harassment, bullying, stalking or work or study-related conflicts. You can find the corresponding data protection declaration on the guide’s webpage. In our institution you can address the following guide directly on-site: Mara Lebek (student, hiwi)
To contact the confidential guides for GUIDE, please arrange an appointment via e-mail or direct contact. Please only state your request for a confidential meeting! Please refrain from including any background information or details in your appointment request. Initial contacts with the guides are fundamentally confidential and anonymous. Names or unique characteristics of third parties are not necessary to understand what options you might have.
You can find further information on anti-discrimination and conflicts, GUIDE and the guides for GUIDE online on UNIFY's website.