SAI Colloquium WiSe 24-25 - Starting from November 14th
The South Asia Institute is pleased to announce the first installment of the SAI Colloquium, to be held this Thursday, November 14th at 6pm in room 010.01.05. We are looking forward to a talk by Dr. Maria Framke who is the first speaker in a series of a total of three SAI Colloquia this term.
Maria Framke is a historian of modern South Asia with a special interest in the history of international organizations, imperial and nationalist politics, humanitarianism, and gender and ideologies in the 20th Century. Maria received her PhD from Jacobs University Bremen in 2011. Her doctoral thesis was published in 2013 by the Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt as “Delhi-Rome-Berlin: The Indian Perception of Fascism and National Socialism in India, 1922-1939”. The book addresses the transfer of fascist ideas and concepts from Europe to South Asia, wit a particular focus on the colonial context of the subcontinent.
You can find more information about the event in the link below: