News | In the Media
January 2025 | Verborgene Eismassen im Trans-Himalaya
December 2024 | Press Release
Digital Elevation Models Provide Information on Aufeis Fields in Trans-Himalaya
September 2024 | New Paper by Brombierstäudl et al. in Science of The Total Environment
- First application of stereo satellite imagery for aufeis thickness and volume estimation
- Quantification of aufeis volumes across four sites in the Trans-Himalaya
- Pléiades stereo satellite imagery is a promising dataset for aufeis studies
Digital elevation model differencing revealed substantial volumes of aufeis
March 2024 | Research Cooperation
4EU+ Mini Grant Charles University Prague, University Milano and Heidelberg University
Remote Sensing of Cryosphere Dynamics under the Influence of Climate Change
- Enhance remote sensing techniques to study glacier dynamics (archive data 70+ years)
- Apply repeat photography to retrieve long-term glacier changes (up to 100 years)
- Link the remote sensing data with the physical processes governing climate and climate change
- Evaluate the potential of dendrogeomorphology to study glacier dynamics (~100 years)
- Analyze geohazards connected to glacier dynamics through advanced geomorphological mapping
- Identify and apply suitable artificial intelligence techniques for new information retrieval
Project ID: MA/4EU+/2024/F4/05

March 2024 | New Paper by Soheb et al. in Journal of Hydrology
- The first combined assessment of surface and subsurface flow from the cold-arid region of Ladakh.
- Snowmelt is the largest contributor to annual discharge.
- Most of the available meltwater flows through the subsurface.
- Surface flow ceases during the winter, but subsurface flow remains active throughout the year with high seasonal variability.

December 2022 | Vortrag der Ruperto Carola Ringvorlesung: Das Ende des „ewigen Eises“
Marcus Nüsser spricht über den Gletscherrückgang und seine Folgen für die Wasserversorgung
Das weltweite Abschmelzen von Gletschern und seine Folgen für die Wasserversorgung sind Thema der Veranstaltung „Das Ende des ‚ewigen Eises‘: Globaler Gletscherrückgang und zunehmende Risiken im Hochgebirge“. Dazu spricht Prof. Dr. Marcus Nüsser, Wissenschaftler am Südasien-Institut der Universität Heidelberg. Sein Vortrag ist Teil der im Wintersemester stattfindenden Ruperto Carola Ringvorlesung mit dem Titel „Vom Ende als Anfang“. Vor dem Hintergrund von Klimakrise, Krieg, Pandemie und einer sich radikal wandelnden Weltenordnung beschäftigen sich darin Referentinnen und Referenten aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven mit der hochaktuellen Frage nach dem Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Ende und Anfang. Inwiefern entfalten Katastrophen und Krisen nicht nur ein Bedrohungspotential, sondern können auch der Beginn für radikale Metamorphosen und neue Weltmodelle sein? Die Veranstaltung mit Marcus Nüsser findet am 12. Dezember 2022 in der Aula der Neuen Universität statt und beginnt um 19.30 Uhr.
September 2022 | New Class of Fellows at Marsilius Kolleg
Juni 2021 | Long-term Himalayan Glacier Study
Heidelberg University geographers combine historical images and maps with current data
The glaciers of Nanga Parbat – one of the highest mountains in the world – have been shrinking slightly but continually since the 1930s. This loss in surface area is evidenced by a long-term study conducted by researchers from the South Asia Institute of Heidelberg University. The geographers combined historical photographs, surveys, and topographical maps with current data, which allowed them to show glacial changes for this massif in the north-western Himalaya as far back as the mid-1800s.
April 2021 | Seasonal Water Resource on the Upper Indus
Heidelberg geographers draw up full inventory of barely researched aufeis (icing) fields
Seasonally occurring fields of aufeis (icing) constitute an important resource for the water supply of the local population in the Upper Indus Basin. However, little research has been done on them so far. Geographers at the South Asia Institute of Heidelberg University have now examined the spreading of aufeis and, for the first time, created a full inventory of these aufeis fields. The more than 3,700 accumulations of laminated ice are important for these high mountain areas between South and Central Asia, particularly with respect to hydrology and climatology.
November 2020 | Consequences of Glacier Shrinkage
Heidelberg scientists study glacial lake outburst flood in the Himalaya
Researchers from the South Asia Institute and the Heidelberg Center for the Environment of Ruperto Carola investigated the causes of a glacial lake outburst with subsequent flooding in the Ladakh region of India. In order to frame the case study in a larger picture, the research team led by geographer Prof. Dr Marcus Nüsser used satellite images to create a comprehensive survey of glacial lakes for the entire Trans-Himalyan region of Ladakh. They were able to identify changes in the extent and number of glacial lakes over a 50-year period, including previously undocumented floods. This analysis allows them to better assess the future risk of such events, known as glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs).
November 2020 | Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung
Die Antwort liegt unter der Oberfläche
Februar 2019 | Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung
“Künstliche Gletscher” für die Landwirtschaft