Kanchipuram Research Project  
Kanchi Project
Kanchipuram Project

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Temple festivals

Kāmākṣī temple
Ekāmbareśvara temple
Varadarāja temple

The Kanchipuram Research Project is headed by Ute Hüsken Professor for Sanskrit at the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages at the University of Oslo. Until 11/2008 it was part of the Collaborative Research Center "The Dynamics of Ritual" at the University of Heidel- berg There it was funded by the Deutsche Forsch- ungsgemeinschaft (German Research Council [DFG]).


Head of the Project

Dr. Ute Hüsken Prof. Dr. Ute Hüsken

The Research Team



Research project: "Social Imaginaries of the Divine: Selves, Spaces, and Simulation in Kancipuram"
Kerstin Schier, M.A.

Kerstin Schier, M.A.

PhD project: “Rivalry and harmony: negotiating gender relations in myth and ritual”
Johanna Buß, M.A. Dr. Johanna Buß (Vienna)
Nārāyaṇa Subramaniam Nārāyaṇa Subramaniam
Bao Do, M.A. (Marburg)
Anne Mossner
(Completed her Master Thesis on sthalapurāṇas in Tamil Nadu: der Kāmākṣīvilāsa)
Anand Mishra (Heidelberg)
