STUDY > Abroad
South Asia Institute South Asia Institute Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Staying abroad


For financing internships at non-german representations abroad such as political foundations, NGOs and others as well as study exchange programmes, the DAAD scholarship programme PROMOS is available.

Furthermore, it is possible to apply for the short term scholarship programme at DAAD which is available for internships at one of the following institutions:

  • German representations (embassies, consulates)
  • International organizations (UN, EU)
  • German schools abroad (Infos to the network of German schools abroad)
  • Goethe-Institutes
  • Max-Weber-Foundation e.V.
  • German archaeological institutes abroad

Another possibility for financing study exchange programmes and fieldwork is offered by the DAAD ISAP Progamme or the Baden-Württemberg-scholarship. Information on other possible scholarships may be obtained via different databases such as

BAföG-recipients often receive a financial increase of the DAAD.

If the scholarship application is not successful, it is possible to make an application for a subsidy to the "Qualitätsicherungsmittelkommission".

Living in South Asia

There are various types of visa that are suitable for doing an internship, fieldwork or study exchange programme in South Asia. Additionally, the types vary from country to country within South Asia. Following you can find a list of the respective embassies:

Bangladesh Embassy
Indian Embassy
Nepal Embassy
Pakistan Embassy
Sri Lanka Embassy

Health insurance & Vaccination
It is strongly recommended to effect an overseas health insurance. It should also be checked if it is already included in the home health insurance. Is this the case, it should be checked which specific costs the overseas health insurance covers. It may also be considered to effect other insurances (e.g. for theft).

Depending on the country and region, different vaccinations may be necessary. Thus, information on necessary vaccinations should be obtained from the family doctor or the Tropical Institute. The costs for vaccinations taken in the context of compulsary semesters abroad must be (according to the "Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst") covered by the statutory health insurances. They must be advised of this in case of refusing to cover the costs.

Security advice
The Foreign Office offers an overview of travel and security advices for every country. It is recommended to read these before departure. >> Foreign Office