background image
23.-25.01.2009. Heidelberg.
Susanne Schmidt and Marcus Nüsser
- Glacier Changes and Water Availability
in Ladakh (Northern India). 18. Jahresta-
gung des Arbeitskreis Hochgebirge, 23.-
25.01.2009. Heidelberg.
- Glacier and landscape changes in the
Nanga Parbat Himalayas: a re-photo-
graphic survey between the 1930s and
now. 18. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreis
Hochgebirge, 23.-25.01.2009. Heidel-
- Cataloguing and evaluation of the Gan-
dhi Seva Sangh Archive (Gita Dharam-
- Evaluation of Board`s Collection, 1784-
1858 (Gita Dharampal-Frick)
- Large dams: contested environments
between hydro-power and resitance (Gita
Dharampal-Frick; project leader: Marcus
Nüsser; Cluster of Excellence "Asia and
Europe" C2)
- Nationising the Dynasty: Asymmetri-
cal Flows in Conceptions of Government
(Gita Dharampal-Frick; Cluster of Ex-
cellence "Asia and Europe" A5)
- Ritual transfer between South Asia and
the West (1500-2000) (Gita Dharampal-
Frick & Martin Brandtner)
- Shifting cultural asymmetries through
political cartoons: A study of Indian
Punch magazines (1877-1947) (Cluster
of Excellence "Asia and Europe" B1;
Gita Dharampal-Frick; project leader:
Hans Harder)
- "South Asian Modernity: A Network
of Historical and Contemporary Studies"
(SAM) (Gita Dharampal-Frick)
Inayatullah Baloch
- "Balochistan Question and proposed
conference of all political parties". In
Daily Jang. London, Karachi, Lahore:
Jang Group, 23.07.2008 and 24.07.2008.
- "Foreign Policy Of Baluch National
Movement". Quetta: the B.S.O. limited,
Gita Dharampal-Frick
- "1857-1907-1947: Drei indische Jubi-
läen aus der Perspektive von 2007". In
Michael von Hauff, ed., Indien. Heraus-
forderungen und Perspektiven. Marburg:
Metropolis-Verlag, 2009: 9-30.
- "Interrogating Caste and Race in South
Asia", In Manfred Berg and Simon
Wendt, eds., Global Dimensions of Rac-
ism in the Modern World. Oxford/New
York: Berghahn Books, 2009: 25pp.
- "Reclaiming 9/11 through Satyagraha."
ICFAI University Journal of History and
Culture, Vol. II/4, October 2008: 7-13.
Ali Usman Qasmi
- "Towards a New Prophetology: Maulv
`Abdullah Chakrlav's Ahl al-Qur'n
Movement." The Muslim World. Volume
99/1, January 2009.
International Economics
- Trade in Tasks: Its motives, strategies
and success, with empirical research on
India (Jella Kandziora)
- Harmonization of systems and interna-
tional competition ­ with a comparison
of EU and WTO regulations (Daniel
- Coordination of National Competition
Policies (with a Case Study of the EU),
Zuzana Zdeneková)
- Foreign Direct Investment, Optimisa-
tion of Business Location and Multilat-
eral Investment Agreement, with Em-
pirical Research on South-East-Asia and
India (Paul Brandeis)
- Where to invest in Africa: Macroeco-
nomic factors and the specific situation
of its industries (Jelena Tihonova)
- Food systems in the Megacity Dhaka
(Markus Keck and Wolfgang-Peter Zin-
- International intervention and develop-
ment (Wolfgang-Peter Zingel)
Markus Keck
- (with B. Etzold, H.-G. Bohle & W.-P.
Zingel) "Informality as agency. Negoti-
ating food security in Dhaka." Die Erde
140 (1), 2009 (in print).
- (with B. Etzold, H.-G. Bohle & W.-P.
Zingel) "Reis für die Megacity. Nah-
rungsversorgung von Dhaka zwischen
globalen Risiken und lokalen Verwun-
dbarkeiten." Geographische Rundschau
60 (11), 2008: 28-37.
- DFGScienceTV: Reis auf Reisen. On-
die-5-millionenstadt.html; 10.06.2008.
Marco Veselka
- Dynamischer Wettbewerb und Un-
Messkonzepte und empirische Analyse
Marburg: Metropolis-Verl., 2008.
Wolfgang-Peter Zingel
- (with Clemens Spiess) Länderpor-
trait Indien: Absatzmarkt, Konkur-
rent, Kooperationspartner - Indien im
Spannungsfeld von Wirtschaftsboom,
Weltmachtstreben und sozialer Misere.
Düsseldorf: DGB Bildungswerk, 72 pp,
- (with B. Etzold, M. Keck & H.-G. Boh-
le) "Informality as agency. Negotiating
food security in Dhaka." Die Erde 140
(1), 2009.
- "Wirtschaft und Umwelt: Indische Lö-
sungsansätze zu einem nicht nur indisch-
en Problem." In: Michael von Hauff, ed.,
Indien. Herausforderungen und Perspe-
ktiven. Marburg: Metropolis, 2009:133-
- (with M. Keck, B. Etzold & H.-G. Boh-
le) "Reis für die Megacity. Nahrungsver-
sorgung von Dhaka zwischen globalen
Risiken und lokalen Verwundbarkeiten."
Geographische Rundschau 60 (11),
2008: 28-37.
- "Land of contrast." In: India: Land of
contratsts. at&sdisplay. The Interna-
tional AT&S Magazine. Issue 02, 2008.
Leoben: AT&S Austria Technologie &
Systemtechnik. pp. 11-12.
- "Forschung und Praxis. Internationale
Wirtschafts- und Entwicklungspolitik:
Oskar Gans 65." In: Rhein-Neckar-Zei-
tung, Heidelberg, Nr. 121, 27. Mai 2008,
Feuilleton, p. 15.
Modern South Asian
Languages and Literatures
- Court ritual in the Jaipur state (18th
century to 1949) (Ritual Dynamics, sub-
project B5) (Monika Boehm-Tettelbach,
Jörg Gengnagel)
- Gauging Cultural Asymmetries: Asian
Satire and the Search for Identity in the