Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

Beiträge zur Südasienforschung
[Contributions to South Asian Studies]

Band [nos.] 151 -

Südasien-Institut, Universität Heidelberg
[South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University]

Stuttgart: Steiner
ISSN 0170-3137
Abbreviation: BSAF

Anmerkung: Aus technischen Gründen wurde auf Diakritika verzichtet [Note: No diacritics for technical reasons]

151 - 152 - 153 - 154 - 155 - 156 - 157 - 158 - 159 - 160 - 161 - 162 - 163 - 164 - 165 - 166 - 167 - 168 - 169 - 170 - 171 - 172 - 173 - 174 - 175 - 176 - 177 - 178 - 179 - 180 - 181 - 182 - 183 - 184 - 185 - 186 - 187 - 188 - 189 - 190 - 191 - 192 - 193 - 194 - 195 - 196 - 197 - 198 - 199 - 200

151 Das brahmanische Totenritual nach der Antyestipaddhati des Narayanabhatta [The Brahminical funerary rites according to the Antyestipaddhati by Narayanabhatta / von [by] Klaus-Werner Müller. - 1992. XIII, 238 p. - Abkürzungen [abbreviations] p. XIII, Indices : Namens- und Sachindex [index of names and subjects] pp. 211-214, Index der Sanskritwörter [index of Sanskrit terms] pp. 215-222, Index der in der A(ntyeipaddhati) namentlich erwähnten 
Sanskrittexte [index of the Sanskrit texts mentioned in the A(ntyestipaddhati)] p. 223, Index der in der A(ntyestipaddhati) namentlich erwähnten Autoren [index of the authors mentioned in the A(ntyestipaddhati) p. 225, Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 227-236, English summary pp. 237-238. ISBN 3-515-06227-0 
This dissertation describes the Brahminical funerary rites through translations of compendiums on ritual. It also deals with the techniques and methods of description used by Brahminical ritual experts. The presentation thus represents a complete model of the funerary rites including many variations and potentialities. Examples are cited to show how both anthropological and non-anthropological observations of funerary rites in India can be explained on the basis of this model. Through the knowledge of the complexity and dynamics of ritual processes one can discern an inner meaning of Brahminical funerary rites. 
152 Verfassung und politische Kultur im Wandel : der indische Fürstenstaat Hyderabad, 1911-48 [Changing constitution and political culture : the Indian princely state of Hyderabad, 1911-48] / von [by] Margrit Pernau-Reifeld. - 1992. VII, 424 p. ISBN 3-51506231-9 
Anhang [appendix] pp. 390-421, Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 395 to 417 : Regierungspublikationen [Goverment publications] pp. 397-398, gedruckte Quellen (Englisch) [printed sources (English)] pp. 398-404, gedruckte Quellen (Urdu) [printed sources (Urdu)] pp. 404-405, Sekundärliteratur (Englisch und Deutsch) [secondary literature (English and German)] pp. 405-417, Register [index] pp. 418-421, English summary pp. 422-405. 
This is a study of the rules governing the political activities of the British and the élite of Hyderabad, their historical context and change during the decades before Indian Independence including transcriptions and time tables, statistics on the development of the educational system, official sources, estates, and interviews. 
153 Samkara-Mandara-Saurabha : eine Legende über das Leben des Philosophen Samkara; Text, Übersetzung, Einleitung [Samkara-Mandara-Saurabha : a legend about the life of the philosopher Samkara ; text, translation, introduction] / von [by] Anton Ungemach. - 1992. IX, 187 p. 
ISBN 3-515-06232-7 
Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 170-180, Schlagwortverzeichnis zur Einleitung [list of key words used in the introduction] pp. 181-183, English summary pp. 184-185, Anhang [appendix] pp. 187-187. 
This edition of a Sanskrit text is a hagiography of the Indian philosopher akara. With this translation, we have, for the first time, a German version of the akara legend. When comparing these episodes with other hagiographies (Buddha, for example), common traits can be seen. The sources of some motifs stem from the epic and other Sanskrit literature and from other traditions of India. 
154 Traditionelle Medizin auf den Philippinen : Angstbewältigung und Kognition bei Krankheiten [Traditional medicine on the Philippines : to overcome Angst and to recognize illness] / Norbert Kohnen. - 1992. 396 p. ISBN 3-515-05402-2 
Glossary [glossary] pp. [351]-365, Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. [366]-386, index pp. [387]-396. 
This book deals with traditional medicine and healers in the Philippines as observed among the fishermen tribe of the Cabuntogeños: Health system in the Philippines, medical system of the Cabuntogeños, traditional and natural medical systems, herbal medicine, Angst in indigenous communities, and the influence of traditional healing methods. The Appendix includes tables on the ranking of illnesses with different characteristics (pp. 317-338), a correlation matrix of the characteristics (pp. 339-341), ranking correlations between the characteristics of illness (pp. 341-349) and a questionnaire regarding Angst (p. 350). 
155 Das Puskara-Mahatmya : ein religionswissenschaftlicher Beitrag zum Wallfahrtsbegriff in Indien ; Erörterung, Text, Übersetzung [The Puskara-Mahatmya : a religio-historical contribution to the concept of pilgrimage in India ; discussion, text, translation] / von [by] Aditya Malik. - 1993. XIII, 408 p. 16 Abb. [photographs], 2 Ktn. [maps]. ISBN 3-515-06358-7 
Based on a combination of the results of fieldwork and an examination of the Puskara-Mahatmya, this is the first major religio-historical study to be published on the famous pilgrimage centre of Puskara in Rajasthan. The volume is divided into three parts. In Part I, the author mainly (a) examines the historical (written and oral), social, mythological and topographical "context" of the text and (b) analyses the structure of the text in terms of the "ideology" that underlies and generates it. The narrative and ideological framework of the text are provided by the notions of the yajña and its concrete performance in Puskara by Brahma, the pilgrim town's chief deity. Many of Puskara's varied social and religious traditions as well as topography have been interpreted and included within this framework, creating a homology between ritual and pilgrimage. An examination of how this connection has been made, in particular leads to a fresh understanding of the relationship between the Vedic institution of the yajña and the later institution of the tirthayatra. Part II contains the first critical edition of the Puskara-Mahatmya based on a comparison of four hand-written and one printed manuscript. Part III consists of an annotated German translation of the edited text. The appendix contains information derived from pamphlets sold to pilgrims, and the summary of an oral narrative told by a Gujar priest about Brahma's sacrifice in Puskara. 
156 Little kingdoms in Kalinga : Ideologie, Legitimation und Politik regionaler Eliten [Little kingdoms in Kalinga : Ideology, legitimation and politics of regional élites] / von [by] Georg Berkemer. - 1993. X, 396 p. ISBN 3-515-06444-3 
Anhang [Appendix] pp. 323-250 : Liste der Gründungsdaten der little kingdoms und zamindaris in Kalinga [List of the foundation data of the Little Kingdoms and zamindaris in Kalinga] pp. 325-327, Bezeichnung der Ganga-Ära in den Inschriften aus I[nscriptions of]O[rissa] 2 [Names of the Ganga era in the I[nscriptions of]O[rissa] 2] pp. 328-330, Genealogien in alphabetischer Reihenfolge [Genealogies in alphabetical order] pp. 331-350, Bibliographie [bibliography] pp. 351-379 : Quellen in indischen Sprachen [sources in Indian languages] pp. 351-356, Sekundärliteratur und einzelne edierte Inschriften [Secondary literature and some edited inscriptions] pp. 358-379, index pp. 381-396. 
This volume deals with the history and structure of traditional rule in Kalinga as seen by local and regional élites according to the model of a "little kingdom" as laid down by B. Cohn and N. Dirks. The author describes the history of Kalinga in the Hindu and Muslim Middle Ages and in the early modern times up to 1800. 
157 The Tamil Tigers : armed struggle for identity / by Dagmar Hellmann-Rajanayagam. - 1994. X, 164 p. ISBN 3-515-06530-X 
List of abbreviations in alphabetical order pp. [152]-153, bibliography pp. 154 to 161 : Unpublished Sources, Government Documents, Private Papers, etc. p. [154], monographs pp. [154]-157, articles in journals, unpublished papers etc. pp. 157-158, newspapers, pamphlets, etc. pp. 158-160, interviews pp. 160-161, index pp. [162]-164. 
For nearly 20 years, the 'Tamil Tigers' in North Sri Lanka have managed not only to hold their own in the militant ethnic conflict against the Sinhalese, but also to become the most powerful and dominant militant group in Jaffna. They enjoy the support of the majority of the high-caste population in spite of their leaders and members originating from a comparatively low caste and challenging the dominant status of the former. The present study explores the reasons for this success, locating it in the successful adoption and adaptation of age-old Tamil traditions combined with modern ideas of social and economic equality. The tigers fight on two fronts : against an ethnic adversary, the Sinhalese, and against a social one, the Vellalars of Jaffna. The authoress has, for the first time, collected and evaluated sources written both in Tamil and in English by the militant groups themselves : pamphlets, journals, newspapers, booklets; and she conducted in-depth interviews with leading members of these groups. 
158 Bangladesh : Dritte Heidelberger Südasiengespräche [Bangladesh : Third Heidelberg Talks on South Asia] / Herausgegeben von [edited by] Dieter Conrad und [and] Wolfgang-Peter Zingel. - 1994. XI, 242 p. ISBN 3-515-06549-0 
After having cast off military rule, Bangladesh experienced a remarkable political regeneration. Nonetheless, it has remained a test case for the instrument of "development aid". The donors' dissatisfaction has led to a discussion as to whether aid commitments should be put aside for the time being. The Third Heidelberg Talks on South Asia were devoted to this topic. Scholars, journalists, representatives of the Foreign Office, of industry, political foundations and cultural institutions had met for an exchange of views on the basis of their knowledge of the country and their special fields of interest. Actual exchange of information and the discussion of long-term perspectives, especially with regard to the effects of development aid on the one hand, as well as the reports on poverty, over-population and flood catastrophes by the media on the other, were the main topics of these talks. 
From the table of contents: 
Dieter Conrad, Wolfgang-Peter Zingel : Geleitwort [Preface] pp. vii-xi. 
Satya Bhowmik : Die Krise der nationalen Identitätsfindung [The crisis of the search for a national identity] pp. 1-6. 
Rahul Peter Das : Das Verhältnis zwischen Islam und Bengalentum [The relationship between Islam and Bengal identity] pp. 7-14. 
Diskussion nach den Referaten von S. Bhowmik und R. P. Das [Discussion after the papers by S. Bhowmik and R. P. Das] pp. 15-23. 
Dieter Conrad : Verfassung und Rechtssystem in Bangladesh nach den militärischen Interventionen [The constitution and the legal system in Bangladesh after the military interventions] pp. 26-43. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von D. Conrad [Discussion after the paper by D. Conrad] pp. 44-49. 
Wolfgang-Peter Zingel : Die Wirtschaftsentwicklung Bangladeshs und Aussichten für die 90er Jahre [The economic development of Bangladesh and prospects for the 90ies] pp. 50-77, 12 tables. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von W.-P. Zingel [Discussion after the paper by W.-P. Zingel] pp. 80-88. 
Dietmar Herbon : Die Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft in Bangladesh [The development of agriculture in Bangladesh] pp. 89-98, 9 graphs. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von D. Herbon [Discussion after the paper by D. Herbon] pp. 99-109. 
Dieter Haury : Privatwirtschaftlich organisierte Entwicklungshilfe : dargestellt am Beispiel von Exportförderungsseminaren in Bangladesh [Development aid organized by private enterprises : export promotion seminars in Bangladesh] pp. 110-117, graph p. 111. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von D. Haury [Discussion after the paper by D. Haury] pp. 118-123. 
Peter Clasen : Importpraxis im Handel mit Bangladesh [Import practices in trade with Bangladesh] pp. 124-131. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von P. Clasen [Discussion after the paper by P. Clasen] pp. 132-136. 
Karlernst Ziem : Zur Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik Bangladeshs [On the foreign and security policy of Bangladesh] pp. 137-156. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von K. Ziem [Discussion after the paper by K. Ziem] pp. 157-165. 
Norbert Holl : Schwerpunkte deutsch-bangladeshischer Beziehungen [Main fields of action in German-Bangladesh relations] pp. 166-172. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von N. Holl [Discussion after the paper by N. Holl] pp. 173-179. 
Hannelore Lechner : Deutsche Kulturpolitik in Bangladesh [German cultural policy in Bangladesh] pp. 180-185. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von H. Lechner [Discussion after the paper by H. Lechner] pp. 188-192. 
Diskussion nach dem Film von P. Berg [Discussion after the film by P. Berg] pp. 193-195. 
Wolfgang Mey : Entwicklungshilfe als Mittel der Bekämpfung von Autonomiebestrebungen : Die Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh : Eine Fallstudie [Development aid as a means to thwarten strives for autonomy : The Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh] pp. 196-205. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von W. Mey [Discussion after the paper by W. Mey] pp. 206-211. 
Angelika Brustinow : Armutsbekämpfung durch Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe : Frauenförderungsprojekte in Bangladesh [The fight against poverty by means of help through self-help : projects for the promotion of women in Bangladesh] pp. 214-222. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von A. Brustinow [Discussion after the paper by A. Brustinow] pp. 223-226. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von A. Nag Chowdury [Discussion after the paper by A. Nag Chowdhury] pp. 227-233. 
Schlußdiskussion [Final discussion] p. 234. 
Abkürzungen [abbreviations] pp. 235-236. 
Liste der Teilnehmer [list of participants] pp. 237-240. 
Summary pp. 241-242. 
159 Grammatik des Alttamil : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Cankam-Texte des Dichters Kapilar [A Grammar of Old Tamil : with special reference to the Cankam texts by the poet Kapilar] / von [by]Thomas Lehmann. - 1994. XIV, 187 p. ISBN 3-515-06558-X 
Appendix : Liste von Suffixen [list of suffixes] pp. [167]-173, Quellenverzeichnis [list of sources] pp. [175]-177 : 1. Texte p. [175] , Texte mit Kommentar [texts with commentary] pp. [175]-176, Lexika, Indices [dictionaries, indices] pp. 176-177, Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. [181]-182, Index pp. [183]-187. 
Tamil is the major representative of the Dravidian languages having a continuous literary tradition of more than two thousand years. Its history may be divided into three phases, which do not only show distinct literary, but also linguistic differences: Old Tamil (100 B. C. to 700 A. D.), Middle Tamil (700 to 1600 A. D.) and Modern Tamil (1600 A. D. up to the present). An historical grammar of Tamil describing these three language forms is still to be written. The present work is a first attempt at a comprehensive description of the grammatical structure of Old Tamil not only comprising its morphology but also its syntax. 
160 Acculturation and domination in traditional Asian medical systems / edited by Dorothea Sich and Waltraud Gottschalk. - 1994. VII, 107 p. ISBN 3-515-06556-3 
Background literature : Books p. 100, articles about culture-bound syndromes p. 101, index pp. 103-107. 
In developing and modernizing health care systems in Asia, western constructs of health and disease are always confronted with traditional beliefs and practices. In an attempt to dominate over indigenous practices, modern health care leads to problems of acculturation among the people. This reader addresses this theme and gives insights into the different processes of domination and acculturation in South Asia (Nepal, Ladakh) and Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Philippines, Fiji, Samoa and Tonga). Based on extensive field research, the authors analyse the process of modernization in health care, especially in regions where little research had been undertaken so far. 
From the table of contents : 
Dorothea Sich : Introduction pp. 1-5. 
Annemiek Richters : Linkages between modernization and women's health in South East Asia : impacts of development in Indonesia pp. 7-33. 
Norbert Kohnen : Anemia, beriberi and rheumatism among the Cabuntogueños of Siargo Island, Philippines) pp. 35-40. 
Christine Loytved : Midwives in between : some thoughts on the training of traditional birth attendants in Samoa, Tonga and Fiji pp. 41-51. 
Martin Gaenszle : The shaman and the doctor : conflicting systems of interpretation and diagnosis in East Nepal pp. 54-60. 
Alice S. Kuhn : Ladakh : a pluralistic medical system under acculturation and domination pp. 61-73. 
Ludger Albers : Can culture-bound syndromes be regarded as functional syndromes of psychosomatic medicine? pp. 76-79, fig. p. 76. 
Eduard Bonsel : Medical anthropologists and the study of otherness pp. 81 to 101. 
161 New York und der amerikanische Indienhandel (1784-1812) [New York and the American trade with India (1784-1812)] / von [by] Reinhard Spindler. - 1994. XV, 607 p. 
ISBN 3-515-06583-0 
Verzeichnis der Abkürzungen [list of abbreviations] p. XI, Glossar [glossary] pp. XII-XIII, Währungen, Maße und Gewichte [currencies, measures and weights] p. XIV, 2 Tabellen [tables] im Text [in the text], Literaturverzechnis [bibliography] pp. 555-571. 
From the table of contents : The American foreign trade 1784-1812 (general development): The United States' trade with India in general and New York's trade in particular during (1) the phase of trial (1784-1796), (2) the heydays (1797-1807), and (3) the years of "stop and go" (1808-1812). 
Karten [maps] : Übersichtskarte: New York und der amerikanische Indienhandel [New York and the American trade with India (1784-1812)] [p. 605], Die wichtigsten amerikanischen Häfen im Indienhandel um 1800 [The main American ports in the trade with India around 1800] [p. 606], Der indische Subkontinent [The Indian Subcontinent] [p. 607], Die wichtigsten Segelrouten im Indischen Ozean [The main sailing routes in the Indian Ocean] [p. 608], Anhang [Appendix] I : Kalendarium der zwischen New York und Indien verkehrenden Schiffe, 1784-1812 [Calendar of the ships plying between New York and India, 1784-1812] pp. 447-461, Anhang [Appendix] II : Tab. 1: Importe und Exporte durch amerikanische Schiffe nach und aus Kalkutta [Table 
1: Imports and exports with American ships to and from Calcutta] (1795-1812) in Sicca Rupies pp. 462-463, Anhang [Appendix] III : Tab. 2: Importe und Exporte durch amerikanische Schiffe nach und aus Bombay und Madras [Imports and exports with American ships to and from Bombay and Madras] (1802-1812) in Sicca Rupies pp. 464-465, Anhang [Appendix] IV : Tab. 3: Struktur der amerikanischen Exporte aus Kalkutta [American exports from Calcutta] 1796/6-1805/6 pp. 466-467, Anhang [Appendix] V : Ladung und Empfänger von in den Jahren 1794 bis 1811 nach New York zurückkehrenden Schiffe [Cargo and recipients of the ships returning to New York from 1796 to 1811] pp. 468-553, Anhang [Appendix] VI : Artikel XIII des Freundschaftsvertrages zwischen den USA und Großbritannien vom 19. November 1794 [Article XIII of the Treaty of Friendship between the USA and Great Britain of 19th November, 1794] p. 554, Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis [Sources and bibliography] pp. 555-571 : Unveröffentlichte Quellen [Unpublished sources] pp. 555-559, Zeitungen [Newspapers] pp. 560-561, Edierte Quellen [edited sources] pp. 561-562, Literatur [bibliography] pp. 562-571, Ausführliches Inhaltsverzeichnis [Detailed table of contents] pp. 573-577, Index pp. 579-583, Personen- und Handelshäuser [Names of persons and trading companies] pp. 584-595, English summary pp. 597-601, [Karten ; maps] : Übersichtskarte New York und der amerikanische Indienhandel (1784 bis 1812) [General map of New York and the American trade with India (1784 to1812) [p. 604], Die wichtigsten amerikanischen Häfen im Indienhandel um 1800 [The main American ports in the trade with India around 1800] [p. 605], Der indische Subkontinent [The Indian Subcontinent] [p. 606], Die wichtigsten Segelrouten im Indischen Ozean (um 1800) [The main sailing routes in the Indian Ocean [around 1800] [p. 607]. 
162 Materials for an edition and study of the Pinda- and Oha-Nijjuttis of the Svetâmbara Jain tradition. Volume II : Text and glossary. / Willem B. Bollée. - 1994. XIV, 418 p. ISBN 3-515-06425-7 
Nijjuttis are metrical memory-aids in Prakrit for the monastic teacher of the ancient (8th cent. B.C.) and still living Indian religion of the Jains. They contain the topics to be treated in class and are, therefore, of considerable interest for the intellectual history of India and the development of middle Indo-Aryan languages. Yet, in this field little has been done since Leumann's epoch-making beginnings in the late 19th century. In 1974, Mette edited, translated and commented upon one third of the Oha-Nijjuttis, i.e. that part dealing with the monks' daily almsround. After the list of quarter stanzas published in 1991, this second volume offers the full text of both Nijjuttis and a complete glossary, for which only attested Sanskrit and Pli words are given as parallels. References to Turner's Comparative Dictionary of Indo-Aryan Languages and Burrow/ Emeneau's Dravidian Etymological Dictionary as well as grammatical and other secondary literature have been added. In an appendix, the lemmata of Shriyan's valuable list of Desi words from Puspadanta's Mahapura appear rearranged in full alphabetical order for quick reference to her book. 
163 Parisiksa und Sarvasammatasiksa : Rechtlautlehren der taittiriya-sakha [Parisiksa and Sarvasammatasiksa : phonetics of the taittiriya-sakha] / von [by] Ralf Stautzebach. - 1994. VI, 417 p. ISBN 3-515-06585-7 
Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] : a ) Zeitschriftentitel, Kataloge und Sammelbände [newspaper articles, catalogues and anthologies] etc. pp. 410-411, b) Autoren und Herausgeber [authors and editors] pp. 411-414, c) Handschriften [manuscripts] p. 414, Abkürzungen [abbreviations] pp. 415-417, English summary p. 419. 
In this treatise, an attempt is made at editing the text and commentaries of two taittiriya-siksas and to provide translations. As far as the commentaries refer to phonetic or grammatical problems, their content is summarized and examples illustrating the phonetic rules are discussed. 
164 Neuere Darstellung der Geschichte Indonesiens in Bahasa Indonesia : Entwicklung und Tendenzen der indonesischen Historiographie [Current interpretation of the history of Indonesia in Bahasa Indonesia : development and trends in Indonesian historiography] / von [by] Holk H. Dengel. - 1994. VII, 269 p. ISBN 3-515-06617-9 
Bemerkungen zur indonesischen Geschichtsschreibung [Notes on Indonesian historiography] p. VII, Anhang [Appendix] I : Geschichtsdozenten und Autoren historischer Literatur [Readers of history and authors of historical literature] pp. 99-100, Anhang [Appendix] II : Hochschulen, an denen Geschichte gelehrt wird [Institutions of higher education teaching history] p. 101, Anhang [Appendix] III : Verlage, die Geschichtsliteratur verlegen [Publishers of historical literature] pp. 102-103, Anhang [Appendix] IV : A. Offizielle Kriterien für die Anerkennung als Nationalheld [Official criteria for being recognized as a national hero] p. 204, B. Kriterien für die Anerkennung als Held der nationalen Bewegung 1900-1945 [Criteria for being recognized as a hero of the national movement of 1900-1945] pp. 104-105, Glossar [glossary] pp. 106-109, Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 110-265 : A. Nichtindonesische Autoren [Non-Indonesian authors] pp. 110-111, B. Aufsätze und Monographien indonesischer Autoren [articles and monographs by Indonesian authors] pp. 111- 265, C. Indonesische Tageszeitungen und Zeitschriften [Indonesian daily newspapers and magazines] p. 265, English summary pp. [267]-269. 
Historiography is a relatively young discipline in Indonesia. It developed in the years after the attainment of independence and it was often affected by the precarious political situation of the country. In the 1960s, Indonesian historians who had studied abroad came home and established their discipline on a new foundation. Modern historiography in Indonesia arose due to Western influence and replaced earlier indigenous forms of historiography which survived as legends and literature. The era of "guided democracy" (1960-1965) was also not very encouraging as far as critical historiography was concerned. Historical works published in the first years of the "New Order" mainly dealt with the political events of that time, particularly with the coup of 1965 and its suppression. Beginning in the 1970s and continuing throughout the 1980s, Indonesian historiography experienced an unprecedented boom. Of course, critical historiography was mostly confined to academic dissertations. Moreover, research work was usually restricted to ancient history or the period of the freedom struggle. Another category of historical writings are the felicitation volumes celebrating the anniversaries of regencies or cities. These writings in a way reflect earlier traditions of genealogical writings on the families of regents. But, in spite of the prevalence of this kind of historical writings, there are, nevertheless, a group of serious scholars in history who do not participate in this type of work and mostly concentrate on regional social history. But whereas social history has made great strides in Indonesia, no attempt has been made to undertake similar research in the field of economic history. This is due to the fact that Indonesia remains isolated from the mainstream of historical research abroad. 
165 Finanzsektor, Währungsordnung und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung am Beisspiel Indiens. Von [By] Wolfgang Veit. 1995. XIV, 268 pp. ISBN 3-515-6722-1.
166 Nepal und die Himalaya-Region : Vierte Heidelberger Südasiengespräche [Nepal and the Himalaya Region : Fourth Heidelberg talks on South Asia] / Herausgegeben von [edited by] Martin Gaenszle und [and] Dietrich Schmidt-Vogt. 1995. XI, 162 p. ISBN 3-515-06749-9 
This volume contains the papers presented at and the discussions during the Fourth Heidelberg Talks on South Asia which took place from 18th to 10th June, 1993. The list of participants again included scholars, experts of development aid and representatives from the political arena, German economy and the media. 
From the table of contents: 
Martin Gaenszle : Demokratie im nepalesischen Kontext : Hintergründe der gegenwärtigen politischen Veränderungen [Democracy in the Nepali context : background of the present political changes] pp. 1-8. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von M. Gaenszle [Discussion following the paper by M. Gaenszle] pp. 10-12. 
Dieter Conrad : Die neue nepalesische Verfassung [The new Nepali constitution] pp. 14-32. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von D. Conrad [Discussion following the paper by D. Conrad] pp. 33-35. 
Susanne von der Heide : Menschenrechte in Nepal : untersucht am Beispiel der Kinderarbeit in der Teppichindustrie [Human rights in Nepal : child labour in the carpet industry] pp. 36-43. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von S. von der Heide [Discussion following the paper by S. von der Heide pp. 44-46. 
Wolf Donner : Grundfragen der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung Nepals [Basic questions of economic development in Nepal] pp. 45-52. 
Toni Hagen : Perspektiven der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit mit Nepal [Perspectives of development cooperation with Nepal] pp. 53-69. 
Diskussion nach den Referaten von W. Donner und T. Hagen [Discussion following the papers by W. Donner and T. Hagen] pp. 70-73. 
Bruno Knall : Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, Partizipation und Dezentralisierung in Nepal [Economic development, participation and decentralisation in Nepal] pp. 74-80. 
Klaus-Dieter Schätte : Ausländische Investitionen in Nepal : Erfahrungen aus der Praxis [Foreign investments in Nepal : practical experiences] pp. 81-83. 
Diskussion nach den Referaten von B. Knall und K.-D. Schätte [Discussion following the papers by B. Knall and K.-D. Schätte] pp. 86-88. 
Dietrich Schmidt-Vogt : Die Entwaldung im Nepal-Himalaya : Ursachen, Ausmaß, Folgen [Deforestation in the Nepali Himalaya : causes, extent, repercussions] pp. 89-96. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von D. Schmidt-Vogt [Discussion following the paper by D. Schmidt-Vogt] pp. 97-100. 
Hans Christoph Rieger : Verstädterungsprobleme in Nepal [Problems of urbanization in Nepal] pp. 101-114, 1 fig., 8 tables. 
Diskussion zum Referat von H. C. Rieger [Discussion of the paper by H. C. Rieger] pp. 115-118. 
Eckardt Spreen : Abfallwirtschaft im Kathmandu-Tal [Waste economy in the Kathmandu Valley] pp. 119-134. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von E. Spreen [Discussion following the paper by E. Spreen] pp. 135-138. 
Wolfgang von Erffa : Schwerpunkte der deutsch-nepalesischen Beziehungen [Main fields of German-Nepali relations] pp. 139-144. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von W. v. Erffa [Discussion following the paper by W. v. Erffa] pp. 145-149. 
Ludmilla Tüting : Flüchtlinge in der Region [Refugees in the region] pp. 152 to 157. Diskussion zum Referat von L. Tüting [Discussion of the paper by L. Tüting] pp. 158-160. 
Liste der Teilnehmer [List of participants] pp. 161-162. 
167 Der Sikh-Konflikt : eine Fallstudie zur Politisierung ethnischer Identität [The Sikh conflict : a case study of the politicalization of an ethnic identity] / von [by] Marla Stukenberg. - 1995. XI, 222 p. ISBN 3-515-06773-6 
Anhang [Appendix] : Karten [maps] : Der Punjab [The Punjab] p. 203 ; Indien nach der Reorganisation der Bundesstaaten auf linguistischer Basis [India after the reorganization of the federal states on the basis of language] p. 204, Sprachregionen im Punjab vor Er[r]ichtung der Punjab Suba im Jahr 1966 [Linguistic regions in the Punjab before the establishment of the Punjab Suba in 1966] p. 205, Tabellen [tables] : Wahlergebnisse im Punjab 1952-1989 Lok Sabha [Election results in the Punjab 1952-1989 Lok Sabha] p. 206; Wahlergebnisse im Punjab 1952 bis 1985 Vidhan Sabha (Landtagswahlen) [Election results in Punjab 1952 to 1989 Vidhan Sabha (Elections to the provincial parliaments)] p. 207, Glossar [glossary] pp. 208-210, Quellenverzeichnis [list of sources] pp. 211-222 : Interviews pp. 211-212; Zeitungen, Zeitschriften, Periodika [newspapers, magazines, periodicals] p. 212; Bücher und Aufsätze [books and articles] pp. 213-220, English summary pp. 221-222. 
This thesis analyzes the Sikh conflict in the northern Indian state of Punjab. On the basis of a survey of theories of ethnicity and nation-building, this specific case of ethnic strife is first related to a general model of communal conflict research. Then, the historical background of the conflict is sketched without, however, attempting to portray it as an historical necessity. Instead, a picture is painted of an ethnic community which found itself in an ethno-political straitjacket during a period of civil war. The study is divided into three parts. After a theoretical survey of ethnic conflicts in modern national states, the genesis, dynamics and escalation of the Sikh problem are analyzed. Finally, an insight is provided into the anarchical, de facto "Khalistan" which characterized the political situation in various parts of Punjab before the recent military solution put a (temporary?) end to the Sikh extremists' separatist struggle. The thesis deals with the social, ideological and psychological consequences to Sikh terrorism and largely draws on interviews and observations made during field studies in the Punjab as well as on Sikh pamphlets. An insight is provided into the everyday life of a Sikh village close to the Pakistani border which was dramatically affected by the civil war situation. In their struggle for an independent Khalistan, Sikh extremists in the Punjab have attempted to make use of the archetypal Sikh image in order to mobilize militant support. In analysing the Sikh conflict, it is therefore important to reconstruct both the traditional and modern images of Sikh identity together with their ethnic characteristics. In order to elaborate this psycho-physical model, a psychogram of the Sikh community has been developed which emphasizes the importance of militancy, martyrdom, and historical analogy. The elements of this ideal model are then examined within the context of both traditional thought and contemporary life. 
168 Die Bhavani von Tuljapur : religionsgeschichtliche Studie des Kultes einer Göttin der indischen Volksreligion [The Bhavani of Tuljapur : religio-historical study of a cult of a goddess of Indian folk religion] / von [by] Roland Jansen. - 1995. XV, 304 p. ISBN 3-515-06774-4 
Anhang [Appendix] : Der Jahreszyklus [The annual cycle] pp. 267-269, Das Navaratrafest im Frühjahr [The Navaratra festival in spring] pp. 269-271, Der Tagesablauf im Tempel [The daily routine in the temple] pp. 272-297, Die [The] Alamkarapuja pp. 278-279, Die [The] Bherndoli pp. 279-282, Der [The] Gorndhal pp. 282-287, Bibliographie [bibliography] pp. 291-298 : Sanskrit p. 291, Marathi pp. 291-292, andere [others] pp. 292-298, Index pp. 299-304, English summary pp. 261-265. 
This book seeks to present the cult of a popular goddess in Indian folk religion from a variety of  angles:  festivals, rituals, pilgrims, temples, stories and legends of a famous pilgrimage centre in Maharashtra are portrayed against the backdrop of an historical development. The reader is taken from a consideration of the factors leading to the crystallization of a cult at a particular locality (often at the intersection of ancient trade-routes or "microlith" tracks) way back in the Neolithic period to the present day problems of managing an economically successful temple complex, said to be second in India only to that of Tirupati. The research work sheds new light on the all-Indian phenomenon of the buffalo-slaying goddess Durga, the relationship between goddess and king (the epical Rama and the historical Sivaji serve as examples) and the interaction of the "Five components of Hinduism" as postulated by Sontheimer. Sources include a Sanskrit Mahatmya, a monograph on the cult in Marathi (the so-called bakhars) and information obtained from fieldwork. 
169 The  Nijjutis on the Seniors of the Svetambara Siddhanta : Ayaranga, Dasaveyaliya, Uttarajjhaya and Suyagada. Text and selective glossary. By Willem B. Bollée. - 1995. IX, 197 pp. ISBN 3-515-06667-5.
Bibliography pp. 181-193.
170 Tage der Unzufriedenheit : Identität und Gesellschaftsbild in den Romanen muslimischer Hindischriftsteller (1965-1990) [Days of discontent : Identity and society in the novels of Muslim Hindi writers (1965-1990)] / von [by] Ulrike Stark. - 1995. XI, 244 p. ISBN 3-515-06858-9 
Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 229-238, English summary pp. 239-244. 
Although the situation of the Indian Muslims represents one of the most complex social issues in present-day India, research in modern literature has largely failed to take notice of "Muslims in India today", be it as a literary theme or with regard to the producers of literature. This theses examines ten Hindi novels written by contemporary Muslim Hindi writers, viz. Nafis Afridi, Badiuzzaman, Abdul Bismillah, Manzur Ehtesham, Rahi Masum Raza, and Shani. Focusing on the theme of identity, it is concerned with the question of how these writers depict the Indian Muslim's historical and social destiny in their novels. The author separately deals with the 'outer world' describing various aspects that have posed a threat to Muslim identity in India, and the 'inner world', focusing on the changes the Muslim family is undergoing. Prominence is given to the aesthetic treatment of the identity theme, i.e. the use of specific symbols, narrative techniques and language. 
171 Sri Lanka : Fünfte Heidelberger Südasiengespräche [Sri Lanka : Fifth Heidelberg talks on South Asia] / Herausgegeben von [edited by] Georg Berkemer und [and] Tilman Frasch. - 1995. X, 155 p. ISBN 3-515-06864-3 
From the table of contents: 
Dietmar Rothermund : Sri Lanka : Geschichte und Gegenwart [Sri Lanka : History and present] pp. 1-6, Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] p. 6. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Dietmar Rothermund pp. 7-9. 
Wolfgang Werner : Koloniale Hinterlassenschaft und nationales Selbstverständnis Sri Lankas [Sri Lanka's colonial heritage and national self-consciousness] pp. 11-17, Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 16-17. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Wolfgang Werner pp. 18-19. 
Dagmar Hellmann-Rajanayagam : Doktrin und Praxis des singhalesischen Nationalismus und die Entstehung des Bürgerkriegs [Doctrine and practice of Sinhala nationalism and the outburst of civil war] pp. 21-40. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von D. Hellmann-Rajanayagam [Discussion following the paper by D. Hellmann-Rajanayagam] pp. 41-42. 
Dieter Conrad : Das Verfassungsproblem Sri Lankas in der gegenwärtigen Lage [Sri Lanka's constitutional problem in the present situation] pp. 43-58. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von D. Conrad [Discussion following the paper by D. Conrad] pp. 59-61. 
Thomas Prinz : Parteien und Wahlen in Sri Lanka [Political parties and elections in Sri Lanka] pp. 63-69, Literatur [bibliography] p. 69. 
Christian Wagner : Zur Lage der Muslime in Sri Lanka [On the situation of the Muslims in Sri Lanka] pp. 71-83. 
Diskussion nach den Referaten von Thomas Prinz und Christian Wagner [Discussion following the papers by Thomas Prinz and Christian Wagner] pp. 84 to 87. 
Joachim Betz : Ergebnisse und Defizite der wirtschaftlichen Strukturreformen in Sri Lanka [Results and deficits of the economic structural reforms in Sri Lanka] pp. 89-95, Literatur [bibliography] p. 95. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Joachim Betz pp. 96-97. 
Klaus Dames Willers : Perspektiven für deutsche Investitionen in Sri Lanka [Perspectives of German investments in Sri Lanka] pp. 99-103. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Klaus Dames-Willers pp. 104-105. 
Christian Wagner : Internationale Wirtschaftsbeziehungen und die regionale Zusammenarbeit in Südasien [International economic relations and regional cooperation in South Asia] pp. 107-120. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Christian Wagner p. 121. 
Wolfgang Werner und [and] Walter Erdelen : Umweltprobleme in Sri Lanka : Beispiele für Ursachen, Ausmaß, Konsequenzen [Environmental problems in Sri Lanka : examples of causes, extent, consequences] pp. 123-130, Literatur [bibliography] pp. 129-130. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Wolfgang Werner und [and] Walter Erdelen pp. 131-132. 
Ulrich Kampe : Schwerpunkte der Beziehungen [Main fields of the relations] Deutschland [Germany]-Sri Lanka pp. 133-137. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Ulrich Kampe p. 138. 
Ulrich Everding : Aspekte interkultureller Zusammenarbeit zwischen Deutschland und Sri Lanka [Aspects of inter-cultural cooperation between Germany and Sri Lanka] pp. 139-148. 
Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Ulrich Everding p. 149. 
Abschlußdiskussion [Concluding discussion] p. 151. 
Abkürzungen [Abbreviations] p. 155. 
Liste der Teilnehmer [List of participants] p. 155. 
172 Pagan: Stadt und Staat [Pagan] / von [by] Tilman Frasch. - XI, 370 pp. ISBN 3-515-06870-8 Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 349-360, Index pp. 361-365, English summary pp. 367-370.
This study tries to give an overview of the history of Burma´s first capital pagan, again scrutinizing ist source material like epigraphs, chronicles and monuments. It contains a critical assessment of these, focusing on inscriptions and discussing the problems and shortcomings imposed by them and their various editions.
173 Verwandtschaft und Sozialität bei den Jenu Kurumba [Kinship and Sociality among the Jenu Kurumba] / von [by] Ulrich Demmer. - XI, 193 pp. ISBN 3-515-06888-0 Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 175-186, Index p. 187, English summary pp. 189-193, Karten [maps] pp. 32 and 63.
The book presents an ethnographic study of the Jenu Kurumba, a tribe of gatherer-hunters and forest traders in the Nilgiri-area in South India. The study is based on two and a half years of fieldwork, conducted in a community of approximately three hundred adult persons. The study is concerned with the construction of the interpersonal social life, i.e. of the sociality of the Jenu Kurumba. It describes the structures of kinship relationships the Jenu Kurumba construct and it works out the moral concepts that the Jenu Kurumba employ in these processes. As often as possible the study draws on the voices of the Jenu Kurumba as they articulate these moral concepts in songs, narratives, and in the discourse of fieldwork itself.
174 Ethnizität und nationale Integration in Nepal [Ethnicity and national Integration in Nepal] / von [by] Karl-Heinz Demmer. - XII, 474 pp. ISBN 3-515-06937-2 Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 404-447, Glossar [glossary] pp. 394-401, Index pp. 448-467, English summary pp. 468-474.
175 Flottenbau und Forstbetrieb in Indien 1794-1823 [Shipbuilding and Forest Management in India 1794-1823] / von [by] Michael Mann. ­ XIV, 203 pp. ISBN 3-515-06882-1 Karte [map] 1: Politische Gliederung der Malabarküste um 1800 [Political situation on the Malabar Coast c. 1800] p. 153, Karte [map] 2: Malabarküste südlich von Bombay, Hafenstädte und Teakwälder [Malabar Coast south of Bombay, ports and teak forests] p. 154, Karte [map] 3: Wälder in Palghat [Forests in Palghat] p. 155, Karte [map] 4: Bombay Dockyards um 1918 [Bombay Dockyards c. 1819] p. 156, Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 157-166, Glossar [glossary] pp. 167-170, Anhang [appendix] pp. 171-195, Index pp. 196-199, English summary pp. 200-203.
This study demonstrates British "blue water strategy" at its zenith in the course of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars. An elaborate shipbuilding pro-gramme was set up by the Admiralty in London, along with some imperfect kind of forest management by the East India Company in Bombay. The shipbuilding scheme was to a large degree realised. The forest management failed completely, though it marked the very beginning of forest policy in India under European guidance.
176 Die deutsche Zusammenarbeit mit Südasien: Sechste Heidelberger Südasiengespräche [German Cooperation with South Asia: Sixth Heidelberg Forum on South Asia] / Herausgegeben von [edited by] Georg Berkemer und [and] Tilman Frasch. ­ 1997. XIII, 177 pp. ISBN 3-515-07091-5
From the table of contents:
Ulrich Cartellieri: Indien - Elefant unter Tigern [India - Elephant among tigers] pp.1-8.
Dietmar Rothermund: Deutschland und Südasien - Partnerschaft in Gegenwart und Zukunft [Germany and South Asia - Present and future partnership] pp. 9-14.
Peter Engelmann: Die deutsche Zusammenarbeit mit Südasien auf dem Gebiet der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik [German Cooperation with South Asia in the fields of science and technology] pp. 15-27.
Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Peter Engelmann p. 28-29.
Eberhard Gmelin: Erfahrungen bei der Zusammenarbeit mit naturwissenschaftlichen Instituten in Indien [A report on the cooperation with scientific institutes in India] pp.31-46.
Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Eberhard Gmelin pp. 47-48.
Hermann F. Weiler: Aufbau eines deutsch-indischen Gemeinschaftsunternehmens [Creating a German-Indian joint venture] pp. 49-54. Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Hermann F. Weiler pp. 55-57.
Wolf Preuss: Die entwicklungspolitische Zusammenarbeit mit Südasien [Cooperation in development policy with South Asia] pp.59-65. Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Wolf Preuss pp.66-67.
Hans-Christoph Rieger: Der gegenwärtige Stand der Liberalisierung der Wirtschaft in den Ländern Südasiens [The present state of affairs in the liberalisation of the South Asian economy] pp.69-75. Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Hans-Christoph Rieger p.76.
Dieter Conrad: Zur rechtlichen Sicherung der deutschen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen mit den Ländern Südasiens [On legal security of German economic relations with South Asian nations] pp.77-90. Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Dieter Conrad p. 91.
Roland Herrmann: Südasien und die deutsche Außenpolitik [South Asia and German foreign policy] pp. 93-98. Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Roland Herrmann p. 99.
Citha D. Maaß: Auf der Suche nach einer deutschen Südasienpolitik: Ein Diskussionsbeitrag [Looking for a German policy with South Asia: A contribution to the discussion] pp. 101-124. Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Citha D. Maaß pp.125-126.
Beate Martin: Erfahrungsbericht aus der Projektarbeit der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Südasien [A report on the project work of the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation in South Asia] pp. 127-138.
Horst Büscher: Regionale Zusammenarbeit in Südasien - Ein Erfahrungsbericht aus der Arbeit der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [Regional cooperation in South Asia - A report on the work of the Friedrich-Ebert Foundation] pp. 139-148. Diskussion nach den Referaten von [Discussion following the papers by] Beate Martin und [and] Horst Büscher pp.149-150.
Klaus Schindler: Die Kulturbeziehungen Südasien-Deutschland - die Rolle der Goethe-Institute [Cultural relations of South Asia and Germany - the role of the Goethe-Institute] pp. 151-156. Diskussion nach den Referaten von [Discussion following the paper by] Klaus Schindler pp.157-158.
Georg Neumann: Die Förderung des Unterrichts der deutschen Sprache in den Ländern Südasiens [How to promote the teaching of German as a foreign language] pp. 159-163. Diskussion nach den Referaten von [Discussion following the paper by] Georg Neumann pp.164-165.
Liste der Teilnehmer [List of participants] p. 155.
177 Die Dschungelkönige: Ethnohistorische Aspekte von Politik und Ritual in Südorissa/Indien [The Jungle Kings: Ethnohistorical Aspects of Politics and Ritual in South Orissa/India] / von [by] Burkhard Schnepel. - 1997. VIII, 343pp. ISBN 3-515-06980-1 English summary and conclusions pp. 263-284, Karten, Illustrationen und Fotografien [maps, illustrations, fotos] pp. 285-300, Bibliographie [bibliography] pp. 301-335, Index pp. 337-343.
This study seeks to illuminate various ethnohistorical aspects of politico-ritual life in one specific unit of social and political interaction, the 'little kingdom'. In particular, the data, assembled by the author during two years of fieldwork and archival research in India, refer to various little kingdoms in the remote and mountainous hinterland of South Orissa. These kingdoms according to the author constituted a distinctive sub-type of the little kingdom which he calls 'jungle kingdom'. The book begins with a discussion of some major theories of kingship and the state in India, arguing that in these theories and models the unit of little kingdom often has been either ignored or misrepresented. It goes on to look at the history of Orissa's little kingdoms vis-à-vis the 'great kingdom' of the Gajapatis, before it discusses the family chronicle of the kingdom of Jeypore in order to reach some insights concerning its foundation and consolidation. In later chapters it investigates various aspects of the politico-ritual life in the jungle kingdoms in question, such as the royal patronage of tribal goddesses or the celebration of dasara-festivities.
178 Ernährungssicherung in Südasien: Siebte Heidelberger Südasiengespräche [Food Security in South Asia: Seventh Heidelberg Forum on South Asia] / Herausgegeben von [edited by] Hans-Georg Bohle, Elvira Graner, Martina Heitkötter und [and] Markus Mayer. ­ 1997. IX, 164 pp. ISBN 3-515-072071-1
From the table of contents:
Hans-Georg Bohle: Probleme der Ernährungssicherung [Problems of Food Security] pp.1-9.
Lioba Weingärtner: Physiologische Aspekte von Ernährung und Ernährungssicherung [Physiological Aspects of Food and Food Security] pp. 11-27. Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Lioba Weingärtner pp. 28-29.
Dietmar Rothermund: Historische Aspekte der Ernährungssicherung in Indien [Historical Aspects of Food Security in India] pp.31-35. Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] p. 36. Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Dietmar Rothermund p. 37.
Hans-Georg Bohle: Sozialwissenschaftliche Dimensionen der Ernährungs-sicherung [Social Science Dimensions of Food Security] pp.39-43. Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Hans-Georg Bohle p. 44.
Michael J. Casimir: Pastoralnomadische Strategien und ausgewogene Ernährung: Zwei Fallstudien aus Südasien [Pastoral-nomad strategies and healthy food: two case studies from South Asia] pp.45-55. Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp.55-56. Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Michael J. Casimir p.58.
Roland Herrmann: Agrarpolitik in Entwicklungsländern und Ernährungssicherheit [Agricultural policy in developing countries and food security] pp.59-68. Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Roland Herrmann pp.69-70.
Oskar Gans: Kosteneffektivitätsanalyse von Ernährungssicherungssystemen auf der Grundlage ökonometrischer Nachfragemodelle. Fallbeispiel Indonesien. [Cost effective analysis of food security systems. An assessment based on an economic model of consumer demand - The case of Indonesia] pp.71-90. Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] p. 91. Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Oskar Gans p.92.
Clive Bell/Waike Moos: Umverteilung und wirtschaftliche Leistung des Agrarsektors Indiens: 1955-1991 [Income distribution and rural output in India 1955-1991] pp.93-103. Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Clive Bell and Waike Moos p.104.
Eberhard Weber: Vorratswirtschaft und Ernährungssicherung in einem südindischen Fischerdorf [Rural savings and food security in a South Indian fishing village] pp.105-126. Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp.127-128. Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Eberhard Weber pp.130-131.
Hans Jochen Diesfeld: Ernährungssicherung und Gesundheit [Food security and health] pp.133-137. Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] 137. Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Hans Jochen Diesfeld pp.138-139.
Willi Monigatti: Ernährungssicherung und Nahrungsmittelhilfe in der Arbeit der GTZ. Ein Überblick. [Food security and aid in the work of the GTZ (Society for Technical Cooperation). A survey.] pp.141-146. Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Willi Monigatti pp.147-149.
Jochen Donner: Der Beitrag der deutschen Welthungerhilfe zur Ernährungssicherung [The contribution of the German Agro Action to food security] pp.151-158. Diskussion nach dem Referat von [Discussion following the paper by] Jochen Donner pp.159-160. Liste der Teilnehmer [List of participants] p. 155.
179 Die Dom ziwschen sozialer Ohnmacht und kultureller Macht: Interethnische Beziehungen in Nordpakista [The Dom between social power and social stigma: interethnic relations in Northern Pakistan] / von[by] Anna Schmid. - 1997. XII, 313 p. ISBN 3-515-07211-X 2 Karten [maps], 3 Tabellen [tables], 3 Abbildungen [graphs], 15 Photos, Bibliographie [bibliography] pp. 271-292, Glossar [glossary] pp. 249-258, Index pp. 293-304, English Summary pp. 305-313.
This study focuses on the interethnic relationsship between a minority group of artisans (musicians and blacksmiths) and the larger society in Hunza, Northern Areas of Pakistan. These artisans are considered to be the lowest social stratum, they are excluded from central areas of the dominant society. At the same time they perform essential services in culturally central spheres. This ambiguity is discussed mainly from the perspective of the Dom. In order to examine the identity construction of the Dom and its transformation in the course of time the author discusses concepts of history as emphasized by the Dom in their historical narratives. The spatial dimension of the identity construction is analyzed through the incorporation of the Dom in the agriultural system, through topographic constructions of locales and sites within their own village and through relationships with neighbouring villages. Finally, the contexts in which the Dom act as artisans are discussed, arguing that as musicians and blacksmiths the Dom both hold and mediate power in addition to countering the power relation in the larger society.
180 Swadeshi: Der Unabhängigkeitsgedanke in Gandhis Wirtschaftskonzept / von [by] Kirsten Sames. - 1998. 228 p. ISBN 3-515-07310-8 Glossar [glossary] p. 207, Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 208-217, English Summary pp. 219-223.
This book deals with Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi´s economic ideas and the thinking which he developed during his lifetime. Apart from the goal of India´s indepence (swaraj), one of the most important aims Ghandi tried to achieve were the spiritual growth of the individual, the search for the truth, and the development of a non-violent society. These economic and social changes towards which Gandhi strived form the basis of the "constructive programme". Gandhi´s effort to allow India greater economic indepence took a much more concrete form. Domestic production was to be stimulated by means of the swadeshi idea. Above all, the production of khadi and hand spinning soon became for him the embodiment of the struggle for indepence. The spinning wheel became the symbol of home textile productionas well as of political and economic indepence in general.
181 Bhadrabahu, Brhatkalpaniryukti and Sanghadasa, Brhatkalpabhasya von [by] Willem B. Bollée. ­ 1998. ISBN 3-515-07270-5 Vol.1. Pithika and Uddesa 1. ­ XXIV, 373 pp., glossary pp. 375-411. Vol.2. Uddesas 2-6. ­ XXXIV, 421 pp. Vol.3. Glossary of selected words. - VIII, 315 pp.
The old Kalpasutra of the Svetambara Jains is a collection of disciplinary rules for the recluses edited in Bhavnagar 1933-42 by Munis Caturvijaya and Punyavijaya with the metrical commentaries and the mediaeval prose tika. The present versions in Latin script of the niryukti and bhasya have been provided with an English translation of the canonical text, a detailed account of the contents of the commentarial verses and, in an appendix by Elfrun Linke to vol. 1, the glossary missing in Schubring's Doctrine of the Jainas. Vol. 3 contains also an Index rerum and Additions and Corrections. Commentaries often present not only historical facts of material culture (clothing, foodstuffs, diseases and medicines) but give also an insight into habits, ideas and social life, often illustrated by similes and stories.
182 Islamische Mystik in Afghanistan : Die strukturelle Einbindung der Sufik in die Gesellschaft. Von [by] Almut Wieland-Karimi. - 1998. IX, 263 pp. ISBN 3-515-07446-5.
Mit dieser Abhandlung wird erstmalig ein Überblick über die religiöse Landschaft Afghanistans gegeben. Im Zentrum des Interesses steht die Einbindung der islamischen Mystik in die afghanische Gesellschaft und insofern die soziale Dimension des Glaubens. Für die Frage nach der realen Ausgestaltung der Sufik werden neben der Literatur Interviews ausgewertet, welche die Autorin vorwiegend mit afghanischen Flüchtlingen in Pakista geführt hat. Auf diese Weise wird ein strukturiertes Gerüstder islamischen Mystik in Afghanistan, ihrer Infrastruktur in diesem Jahrhundert und der Zäsur in der Entwicklung seit 1978/79 - entworfen.
Aus dem Inhalt:
Islam und Sufik in der Region - Politsche und religiöse Geschichte Afghanistans und die historische Rolle sufischer Vertreter - Soziale Identitäten in Afghanistan - Sufische Handlungen - Politische und religiöse Entwicklung seit Kriegsausbruch 1978/79 - Neue Formulierungen, Weuterbestand und Zerstörungen sufischer Strukturen seit 1978/79.
Orientalistik, besonders Islamwissenschaftler, Afghanologen, Indologen - Ethnologen - Religionswissenschaftler - Politikwissenschaftler
183 Die Erzeugung kolonialer Staatlichkeit und das Problem der Arbeit - Eine Studie zur Sozialgeschichte der Stadt Madras und ihres Hinterlandes zwischen 1750 und 1800 / von [by] Ravi Ahuja. - 1999. X, 389 p. ISBN 3-515-07499-6 Anhang [appendix] pp. 333-352, Glossar [glossary] pp. 353-357, Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 359-375, English Summary pp. 381-389, Separate Faltkarte [separate map].
184 Zwischen den Traditionen. Probleme des Verfassungsrechts und der Rechtskultur in Indien und Pakistan / von [by] Dieter Conrad. Herausgegeben von [edited by] Jürgen Lütt und Mahendra P. Singh. 1999. XVIII, 499 p. ISBN 3-515-07550-X Anhang [appendix] pp. 479-493.
185 Die südostasiatische Wirtschaftskrise. Diagnosen, Therapien und Implikationen für Südasien. 9. Heidelberger Südasiengespräche. Herausgegeben von [edited by] Oskar Gans und Elke Friedewald. 1999.XIII, 97 p. ISBN 3-515- 07652-2
186 Matara and its hinterland. A geographical analysis of a medium size town in South-Western Sri Lanka / von [by] Karunasiri Muthumala. - 2000. XXIII, 394 p. ISBN3-515-07717-0
187 Das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Sri Lanka-Tamilen zwischen Sezession und Integration von [by] Frank-Florian Seifert. - 2000. XVIII, 256 p.
188 Vom Herrscher zum Untertan von [by] Margret Frenz. - 2000.
189 Südasien: Die Herausforderung des Globalisierungsprozesses. 21. Baden- Württemberg-Kolloquium Universität Heidelberg. Herausgegeben von [edited by] Hans-Georg Bohle. - 2000. X, 131 p.
190 Directive Principles of State Policy in der indischen Verfassung unter Berücksichtigung der Staatszielbestimmungen des deutschen Grundgesetzes. von [by] Jona Aravind Dohrmann. - 2002.
191 The Dhivehi Language. A Descriptive and Historical Grammar of Maldivian and its Dialects. Vols. I and II (Material) von [by] Sonja Fritz. - 2002.
192 Sprache und Politik. Sprachpolitik und Sprachnationalismus in der Republik Indien und dem sozialistischen Jugoslawien (1945-1991). von [by] David Blum. - 2002.
193 Die Sprache der Vakil-Briefe aus Rajasthan. von [by] Matthias Metzger. - 2003.
194 Der Gurukul Kangri oder die Erziehung der Arya-Nation. Kolonialismus, Hindureform und 'nationale Bildung' in British-Indien (1897-1922). von [by] Harald Fischer-Tiné. - 2003.
195 Gottes-Mutter-Göttin. Marienverehrung im Spannungsfeld religiöser Traditionen in Südindien. von [by] Matthias Frenz. - 2004.

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