Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Neusprachliche Südasienstudien


Workshop: „After Eurocentrism, Beyond Decentring: Themes and Methodologies for an Interdisciplinary History of Ideas“ am 1. & 2. Juli
Die Abteilung Neusprachliche Südasienstudien lädt herzlich ein zum Workshop mit dem Titel „After Eurocentrism, Beyond Decentring: Themes and Methodologies for an Interdisciplinary History of Ideas“, welcher am 1. und 2. Juli 2016 im Heinrich-Zimmer-Lesesaal des Südasien-Instituts stattfindet.
Die Koordination wird von Benjamin Zachariah (Universität Trier) und Hans Harder (Leiter der Abteilung Neusprachliche Südasienstudien) übernommen.
Weitere Informationen zum Ablauf sowie zu den einzelnen Vorträgen erhalten Sie im Booklet sowie auf dem Poster.


The kernel of the workshop is to discuss the movement of ideas, and the difficulties, archival, methodological and disciplinary, of tracking them as they move. The workshop brings together a number of academics from two different area studies specialisations and several disciplines: South Asian Studies and East Asian Studies; historians, historians and philosophers of science, literary scholars, political scientists and sociologists, who have for some years been engaged in tracking ideas as they move across linguistic, state, national or ‘cultural’ boundaries in their work.
Our starting point is that a blanket critique of ‘Eurocentrism’, which is several decades old now, has by now lost its bite, and a contrary danger of indigenism has now to be confronted. This danger of indigenism has been acute in the two area studies specialisations represented at this workshop, East Asian Studies and South Asian Studies, the latter perhaps dominated slightly more by India than the former by China. A process of recovery of methodological discussions must take place that is no longer content merely with critique and rejection, but attempts to provide constructive suggestions as to how to write about moving ideas, their adoption, adaptation to different contexts, or appropriation to new purposes. Different disciplinary formations have been attuned to various factors which other disciplines could potentially learn from, and the workshop brings the disciplines into dialogue.

Posted on 22 Jun 2016
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