Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Neusprachliche Südasienstudien


Course: Online Communication and Religious Nationalism
Recent events such as the success of right wing politics in an atmosphere of vitriol- and anger-induced social media communication have led to critical engagement with online politics and citizen participation worldwide. But when we zoom into specific communicative practices, questions arise: does trolling work the same way everywhere? What role do South Asian languages such as Hindi, Urdu, and English play to establish ways of communicating via online platforms? What is the role of religious nationalism in the growing proliferation of online politics? How can we rethink these trends from our perspective as people researching on South Asia within a global communication structure?

This course is an introduction into online politics and religious nationalism in South Asia with a focus on the socio-linguistics of online communication, especially microblogging. It will combine original source material with conceptual texts that will help us frame critical questions. In particular, we will look at different ways through which online communication can index identities, affect people, and endanger or enable public deliberation. Amongst other aspects, we will look at the use of different speech registers and the usage of visual elements such as satire, memes, word-play, and extreme speech to get a first glimpse of how different agents attempt to mobilize for their cause, and in which style they choose to do so.

Lecturers: Max Kramer and Dr. Borain Larios
Time: Every second Monday, 11am s. t.
Place: INF 330, Room Z10
Posted on 09 Apr 2018
Webmaster: jk
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