Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Neusprachliche Südasienstudien


Department Brunch
We cordially invite all the students of the department of modern south asian languages and literatures to join our department bruch.

Accompanied by a buffet with coffee and snacks we'd like to start into the new semester.

Time: Monday, 16 April 2018, 10.30am

Place: INF 330, Cafeteria

Posted on 09 Apr 2018
Course: Online Communication and Religious Nationalism
Recent events such as the success of right wing politics in an atmosphere of vitriol- and anger-induced social media communication have led to critical engagement with online politics and citizen participation worldwide. But when we zoom into specific communicative practices, questions arise: does trolling work the same way everywhere? What role do South Asian languages such as Hindi, Urdu, and English play to establish ways of communicating via online platforms?

Lecturers: Max Kramer and Dr. Borain Larios
Time: Every second Monday, 11am s. t.
Place: INF 330, Room Z10
Posted on 09 Apr 2018
Course: Transnational social change, secularism, identity and islamization: the example of Bangladesh
The course will discuss social change, ‘modernity’ and identity theories. Socio-cultural and intellectual history of tensions and conflicts between secularism, ‘modernity’ and the political Islam in East Pakistan/Bangladesh will be described.

Dr. rer. pol. Dieter Reinhardt, Rhine Waal University for Applied Sciences
Time: Tuesdays, 4-6pm
Place: INF 330, room 316

Posted on 09 Apr 2018
Interview with Hans Harder
Interview with Hans Harder on Bengali studies and connected topics, appeared in Sushil Saha's collection of interviews, "kathar gharbari", Kolkata 2017, in Bengali language.

Posted on 22 Feb 2018
Congratulations to Johanna Hahn
Congratulations to Johanna Hahn for successfully defending her doctoral dissertation! The viva voce on her work titled "Die Stadt in der modernen Hindi-Literatur (ca. 1970-2010)" (The City in modern Hindi Literature, c. 1970-2010) with her supervisors, Hans Harder and Christiane Brosius, was marked magna cum laude.
Posted on 22 Feb 2018

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