Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Neusprachliche Südasienstudien


6th Bangladesh Studies Network - Bangladesh Studies across disciplines

6th Bangladesh Studies Network conference in Heidelberg

Bangladesh Studies across disciplines

29-30 October 2021

The Bangladesh Studies Network brings together people studying Bangladesh. While there are a lot of research activities on Bangladesh in various disciplines, these are often only interconnected by chance or personal networks. They are hardly visible to the outside, with Bangladesh remaining, particularly in the social sciences and humanities, an appendix to South Asian studies, which focus on India, and, to a lesser degree, Pakistan. By creating a forum for perceiving interconnections and providing visibility, this conference contributes to strengthening Bangladesh Studies as a field and to eliminating blind spots within Bangladesh studies.

Venue: Heidelberg University, South Asia Institue, Voßstrasse 2, Building 4130, 69115 Heidelberg.

Programme details will be announced soon

Kindly send your abstract, registration and queries to Dunya Wasella:

Information on logistics and accommodation in Heidelberg will follow.

Posted on 18 Dec 2019
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