Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Kathmandu Branch Office
Resident Representative
Monalisa Maharjan


South Asia Institute
Heidelberg University
Kathmandu Branch Office
Ward No. 1, Kupondole Height
P.O. Box 4379
Patan, Nepal

Office +977 1 543 72 04

Microfilm-Ordering Process
Starting from June 1, 2016 we resume the microfilm-ordering process of the former Nepal Research Centre (NRC) at the National Archives in Kathmandu.

Kathmandu Branch Office


Visit of the Nepal Research Bhawan

On Friday the 18th October German Ambassador Roland Schaefer and Cultural Attachee Paula Werner were visiting the Nepal Research Bhawan to see the Kathmandu Branch Office of the South Asia Institute and get an idea about ongoing projects. Within the informal meeting the newly appointed Resident Representative Frederic Link showed the Ambassador premises, infrastructure and activities of the Branch Office.

Prof. Axel Michaels informed the Ambassador about the working procedure and the results of the project Documents on the History of Religion and Law of pre-modern Nepal of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. In the course of the visit Prof. Christiane Brosius presented the Nepal Heritage Documentation Project of the Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies and the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and aquainted the Ambassador Roland Schaefer with the Digital Archive of Nepalese Arts and Monuments (DANAM). During the successful visit the Ambassador was impressed and showed great interest. Collectively we hope for a close cooperation and mutual support and are looking forward to future collaboration.

(Participants on the closing picture from the left to the right: Rajan Kathiwoda, Roshan Mishra, Prof. Axel Michaels, Prof. Christiane Brosius, Ambassador Roland Schaefer, Resident Representative Frederic Link, Ina Buchholz, Cultural Attachee Paula Werner, Secretary of the Branch Office Rajendra Shakya.)

23 Oct 2019
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