Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Kathmandu Branch Office
Resident Representative
Monalisa Maharjan


South Asia Institute
Heidelberg University
Kathmandu Branch Office
Ward No. 1, Kupondole Height
P.O. Box 4379
Patan, Nepal

Office +977 1 543 72 04

Microfilm-Ordering Process
Starting from June 1, 2016 we resume the microfilm-ordering process of the former Nepal Research Centre (NRC) at the National Archives in Kathmandu.


Anne de Sales "Words and Objects in a Shamanic Cure: What can we learn from 'magical practices' in 21st century Nepal?" Tribhuvan University, May 19 2017, 1-3 pm
Anne de Sales, Senior Researcher at CNRS (France), speaks in the Anthropology Colloquium Series of Tribhuvan University on Friday, May 19 2017 from 1-3 pm.
Axel Michaels on "Festivals and Processions at Pashupatikshetra" at Amadablam Hotel, March 3 2017
On the occasion of preparing a new, comprehensive Masterplan for Pashupatikshetra or Pashupatinath, a series of presentations, discussions, and workshops with prominent national and international experts takes place at Amadablam Hotel from March 3-10. Axel Michael will give a presentation on "Festivals and Processions" on March 3, 13:45 pm.
SAI Kathmandu Office Lecture Series -- December 2016
Mark Donohue will be talking about "Understanding Local Pasts: Viewing Complex Social Histories Through the Lens of Linguistics" on Friday, December 16, 4pm at Yalamaya Kendra, Patan Dhoka, Lalitpur.
Call for papers for HSC V

The Himalayan Studies Conference V deadlines for panels and papers are being extended as follows:

Panel and Roundtable Proposals - deadline extended to December 1st
Individual Paper Proposals - deadline extended to January 15th
Panels can be either closed (all papers determined in advance) or open (more papers can be added), and accepted panels will be posted by December 10th.

Individual papers may be submitted to accepted panels by contacting the panel organizer or as stand alone contributions to be grouped into panels by the conference organizers.
Please see the conference website for details:

Call for Papers - The Sixth Annual Kathmandu Conference on Nepal and the Himalaya

Proposals are invited for stand-alone papers or three-paper panels. The papers can deal with any aspect of life in Nepal and the Himalaya from a social science perspective. Papers can also be comparative so long as Nepal or the Himalaya, broadly defined, is also included. The language of the conference is English.

Submissions have to be emailed to the Conference Secretariat at by 15 January 2017. Participants will be notified in February 2017.

Please see the Call for Papers for more information.

SAI Kathmandu Office Lecture Series -- November 2016
Jeremy Spoon will be talking about "Disaster Transformations: Socio-Ecological Transitions Following the 2015 Nepal Earthquakes" on Friday, November 11, 4pm at Yalamaya Kendra, Patan Dhoka, Lalitpur.

SAI Kathmandu Office Lecture Series -- March 2016
Matthäus Rest will be talking about "Constructions that take a lifetime: Nepal's suspended infrastructures" on Friday, March 11, 4pm at Yalamaya Kendra, Patan Dhoka, Lalitpur.
International Conference "Living under Threat of Earthquake," February 19 - 22, Hotel Annapurna, Kathmandu
Unter der Schirmherrschaft der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung findet vom 19.-22. Februar in Kathmandu eine Tagung statt, die sich mit unterschiedlichen Themen in Bezug auf das April-Erdbeben beschäftigt.

Sudip Pokharel on "Recovery and Politics in Post-Earthquake Nepal," January 12
Sudip Pokharel, Director of the Democracy Resource Center Nepal, gives a presentation on "Recovery and Politics in Post-Earthquake Nepal" on Tuesday, January 12 — SAI Heidelberg, Germany, Room 316, 2-4 pm.
Conference "Studying Documents in Pre-Modern South Asia and Beyond: Problems and Perspectives"
Conference "Studying Documents in Pre-Modern South Asia and Beyond: Problems and Perspectives", 4-6 October 2015, Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities.

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