University of Heidelberg

Kinga Egressy

Kinga Egressy

Kinga studied B.A. Natural Sciences, Pharmacology at the University of Cambridge, but realized fairly early that she did not want to go down the science road. Coming from an international background herself and having travelled around a lot as a child, she has always been drawn to different cultures. The M.A. Health and Society was an optimal way to deepen this interest, but at the same time engage with topical health issues. Kinga wrote her Master Thesis about how Pakistani migrants in the UK deal with Type 2 Diabetes on a daily basis. The field research and interaction with the patients was an extremely valuable time, where she explored not just health issues but also social-cultural topics that have an impact on the lives of these people. After completing the Masters Kinga decided to combine the knowledge gained from her B.A. and M.A. to work in the area of Pharmaceutical Marketing and Sales. Kinga's M.A. thesis is entitled "Out of control? A qualitative study of diabetes management among Pakistani migrants in North-West England".

Kinga Egressy's M.A. thesis can be found here.

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