Aktuelle Forschungsprojekte
- "Trauma in Transcultural Perspective"
- Die Rolle der Ethnologie im Exzellenzcluster "Asia and Europe in a Global Context" an der Universität Heidelberg.
"Asymmetrical Translations: Mind and Body in European and Indian Medicine," Sub-Project C3 in the research cluster Asia and Europe in a Global Context
"Border Rituals," Sub-Project A8 in the Special Research Area 619 Dynamics of Rituals
- "Stress and Stress-Relief in a Transcultural Perspective: an Ethno-Epidemiological Study," Sub-Project C5 n the research cluster Asia and Europe in a Global Context
Abgeschlossene Forschungsprojekte
- AROGYAM (Indian-European Research Networking Programme in the Social Sciences (ANR-DFG-ESRC-NOW) EUR €225,600 (abgeschlossen)
- Cluster of Excellence Mini-Cluster MC-11, 2012-2017, “Changing Minds: the transcultural production of human kinds” (a study of ritual, history, and the sciences of mind) EUR 829,250.00 (abgeschlossen)
- Changing Strategies of Resource Use: The "Bhotiyas" in the High Mountain Border Region of Uttarakhand, India (DFG Project NU 102/10-1) (abgeschlossen)
- "Religion on Stage," Sub-Project B14, Cluster "Asia and Europe" (abgeschlossen)
- "Staging Religion," Sub-Project B7, Cluster "Asia and Europe" (abgeschlossen)
Last modified 23rd April, 2020