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Contributions to South Asian Studies

NOs 1 - 50

South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University

Stuttgart: Steiner
ISSN 0170-3137
Abbreviation: BSAF

1 Cultures of the Hindukush : selected papers from the Hindu-Kush Cultural Conference held at Moesgård 1970 / edited by Karl Jettmar ; in collaboration with Lennart Edelberg. - 1974. XIV, 146 p. ISBN 3-515-01217-6

Bibliography pp. 137-140, index pp. 141-146, 12 plates, 1 folded map in flap at the back of the volume.

This volume contains the proceedings of a symposium on the pre-Islamic culture of the Nuristan region of the Hindukush with contributions by several experts:

Georg Morgenstierne : Languages of Nuristan and surrounding regions pp. 1 to 10.

Knut Kristiansen : A Káfir on Káfir history and festivals pp. 11-21.

Richard F. Strand : Native accounts of Kom history pp. 22-23.

Wazir Ali Shah : Invasions preceding the conquest of Nuristan pp. 24-25.

Shahzada Hussam-ul-Mulk : The cosmology of the Red Kafirs pp. 26-30.

Georg Buddruss : Some reflections on a Kafir myth pp. 31-36.

Wolfgang Lentz : Western parallels to the deeds of Imra pp. 37-38.

Karl Jettmar : Iranian influence on the culture of the Hindukush pp.39-43.

Schuyler Jones : Kalashum political organisation pp. 44-50.

Richard F. Strand : Principles of kinship organisation among the Kom Nuristani pp. 51-56.

Richard F. Strand : A note on the rank, political leadership, and government among the pre-Islamic Kom pp. 57-63.

A. Raziq Palwal : The Kafirs' ranks and their symbols pp. 64-68.

Wazir Ali Shah : Notes on Kalash folklore pp. 69-80.

Shahzada Hussam-ul-Mulk : Kalash mythology pp. 81-83.

Peter Snoy : Dizila wat! pp. 84-86.

Halfdan Siiger : The Joshi of the Kalash : main traits of the spring festival at Balanguru in 1948 pp. 87-92.

A. Raziq Palwal : The harvesting festivals of the Kalash in the Birir Valley pp. 93-94.

Shahzada Hussam-ul-Mulk : Chitral folklore pp. 95-115.

Annex : Janet Pott : Some notes on personality and achievements of Shahzada Hussam-ul-Mulk pp. 116-117.

Wazir Ali Shah : The future of Nuristan and Kalash areas pp. 118-119.

Lennart Edelberg : The Nuristani house pp. 120-123, pls. 2-8,

Lennart Edelberg : The traditional architecture of Nuristan and its preservation : clan houses and temples pp. 124-126, pls. 9-12.

Erik Hansen : Preservation of the architectural tradition in Nuristan pp. 127 to 130.

Annex : [Programme of the] Hindu-Kush Cultural Conference, Moesgård, 1970, 10th-18th of November p. 131.

List of lecturers and contributors pp. 132-133.

Hindu-Kush Cultural Conference, Moesgård, 1970 [Resolution] pp. 134-135.

Notes on the plates p. 136.

Works referred to in the volume pp. 137-140.

Index pp. 141-146.

Plates 1-12.

Languages in Nuristan and adjacent regions. Map by Lennart Edelberg (1973) [after G. Morgenstierne].

2 Die Holztempel des oberen Kulutales : in ihren historischen, religiösen und kunstgeschichtlichen Zusammenhängen [The wooden temples of the upper Kulu Valley : their historical, religious and artistical context] / von [by] Gabriele Jettmar. - 1974. XI, 133 p. ISBN 3-515-01849-2

Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 117-121, Index (mit korrigierter Schreibweise) [index (with corrected spellings)] pp. 122-127, 48 Tafeln [plates], English summary pp. 129-130.

This book contains a typology of the wooden temple architecture in the Kulu valley, its style and decorations, their historical, ethnic, and religious background.

3 Regionalism in Hindi novels / by Indu Prakash Pandey. - 1974. 179 p.

ISBN 3-515-01954-5

Bibliographical notes p. 168, bibliography pp. 169-172, index pp. 173-179.

Five major Hindi novels are studied here portraying the role of realism in modern Indian fiction, in particular with regard to regional characteristics and social life which do not only give local colour to the respective novels but are integral parts of their substance.

4 Community health and health motivation in South East Asia : proceedings of an international seminar organized by the German Foundation for International Development and the Institute of Tropical Hygiene and Public Health, South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg, 22 October to 10 November 1973, Berlin / edited by Hans Jochen Diesfeld and Erich Kröger. - 1974. VIII, 199 p. ISBN 3-515-01990-1

The participants of this symposium recommended that, in order to improve primary health services in South East Asian countries, these services should be integrated into the community and traditional medical practitioners should be employed more effectively:

H. J. Diesfeld : The necessity for a change in the strategy of delivery of primary health care pp. 1-5.

J. A. McGilvray : Motivation for community participation in health care delivery pp. 6-14.

Discussion of : Changing pattern of motivation and health education [by] Dr. J. A. McGilvray pp. 15-17.

F. M. Shattock : Placement and career prospects of paramedicals pp. 18-63.

F. M. Shattock : Paramedicals, auxiliaries and maternal and child health pp. 64-75, discussion p. 75.

J. H. Hellberg : Experiences with auxiliary staff with less than one year of training pp. 76-79, discussion pp. 79-80.

H. J. Diesfeld : The prospect of utilization of existing traditional health care systems as a complement to the delivery of modern primary health care pp. 81-86, discussion pp. 87-89.

Soeratmi Poerbonegoro : The role of traditional midwives (dukun bayi) in community health programs in Indonesia pp. 90-93, discussion pp. 93-94.

P. C. Campos : Design and management of a teaching program in comprehensive community health service pp. 95-98.

E. K. Kroeger : Social change and family health in a plantation populace pp. 99-106, discussion pp. 106-107.

Ernest E. Boesch : Communication between doctors and patients in Thailand pp. 108-120, discussion pp. 120-122.

Barbara v[on] Renthe-Fink : The German health system pp. 159-167.

E. Hoferer : Structure and function of a public health office, with special emphasis on the health motivation of doctors and and social workers pp. 168 to 172.

P. V. Lundt : Improvement of environmental hygiene by health education pp. 173-176, discussion pp. 176-177.

W. H. Huehne : Public health aspects of the Mekong Project pp. 178-189.

H. Jusatz (Editors' summary) : Changing pattern of some infectious diseases pp. 190-191.

Working group on maximisation of existing resources to improve the efficiency of community and family health care pp. 192-198.

Conclusions p. 199.

Country reports : Burma pp. 123-128; Indonesia pp. 128-131; Khmer-Republic pp. 131-134, map p. 133; Korea pp. 134-135; Malaysia pp. 135-140, graph p. 138; Philippines pp. 140-144, graph. p. 141; Singapore pp. 144-148; Thailand pp. 148-154, graphs pp. 148, 150; South-Vietnam pp. 154-158, graph. p. 154.

5 Die britische Militärpolitik in Indien und ihre Auswirkungen auf den britisch-indischen Finanzhaushalt 1878-1910 [The British military policy in India and its repercussions on the British-Indian financial budget 1879-1910] / von [by] Werner Simon. - 1974. VI, 296 p. ISBN 3-515-01978-2

Bibliographie [bibliography] pp. 282 to 291, English summary pp. 292-296.

The forward strategy of the British in India and the use of Indian troops abroad in the service of imperial interests greatly burdened the British-Indian budget, an issue which gave rise to vigorous debates which have been traced in detail in this work based on a comprehensive study of the relevant facts and figures.

6 Die wirtschaftliche Situation Pakistans nach der Sezession Bangladeshs  [The economic situation of Pakistan after the secession of Bangladesh] / von [by] Winfried von Urff; Heinz Ahrens; Peter Lutz; Bernhard May; Wolfgang-Peter Zingel. - 1974. XIX, 453 p. ISBN 3-515-01979-0

102 Tabellen im Text [102 tables in the text], Tabellenanhang [appendix of tables] pp. 397-446, Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 447-453.

This book presents a detailed sectoral analysis of the economic conditions prevailing in Pakistan after the secession of Bangladesh (1971), with chapters on the development of Pakistan from 1947 to 1970; on the economic origins of Bangladesh's quest for autonomy; and on Pakistan's major economic problems (cf. vols. 42, 45, 51, 67 of this series).

7 Muslime und Christen in der Republik Indonesia [Muslims and Christians in the Republic of Indonesia] / von [by] Wendelin Wawer. - 1974. 326 p.

ISBN 3-515-02042-X

Bibliographie [bibliography] pp. 307-319, English summary pp. 321-326.

Independent Indonesia emerged as a secular state against the wishes of many Muslims who advocated an Islamic state. The small but very articulate Christian minority pleaded for secularism and found support among other strata of the Indonesian society. This aspect of Indonesia's constitutional and political history is the main topic of this work.

8 The Muslim Microcosm : Calcutta, 1918 to 1935 / by Kenneth McPherson. - 1974. VII, 162 p. ISBN 3-515-01992-8

Bibliography pp. 153-159, index pp. 160-162, 3 maps at the back of the volume.

The Muslims of Calcutta were mostly Urdu-speaking migrants from Northern India whose political outlook was determined by their origin. Bengali Muslim leaders like Fazlul Huq emerged only at a later stage and acquired political power when they could appeal to a Bengali rural electorate. Calcutta thus remained a microcosm for quite some time which reflected general Indian problems rather than those of Bengal.

9 Adat und Gesellschaft : eine sozio-ethnologische Untersuchung zur Darstellung des Geistes- und Kulturlebens der Dajak in Kalimantan [Adat and society : a socio-ethnological study of the depiction of the spiritual and cultural life of the Dayaks in Kalimantan] / von [by]Johannes Enos Garang. - 1974. X, 193 p. ISBN 3-515-02048-9

Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 184-190, English summary pp. 191-193.

This is a study of the customary law, the social order and the religious concepts of the Dayaks of Kalimantan, emphasizing the essential principles of cosmic order and cultural continuity.

10 The Indo-English novel : the impact of the West on literature in a developing country / by Klaus Steinvorth. - 1975. III, 149 p. ISBN 3-515-02049-7

Bibliogaphy pp. 139-149.

In this book, the author presents novels written in English by Indian authors with special reference to these authors' perception of their Western readers: the way in which typically Indian topics (Gurus, Maharajas, rural poverty, love and marriage in a traditional setting etc.) are portrayed in these novels.

11 The position of Indian women in the light of legal reform : a socio-legal study of the legal position of Indian women as interpreted and enforced by the law courts compared and related to their position in the family and at work  / by Angeles J. Almenas-Lipowsky. - 1975. IX, 217 p.

ISBN 3-51502050-0

Bibliography pp. 207-217.

The legal position of Indian women has been greatly improved by comprehensive legislation in independent India, but the actual attainment of the respective rights is still a problem. This sociological study which also includes an analysis of leading court cases contributes to a better understanding of such problems.

12 Zur Mobilisierung ländlicher Arbeitskräfte im anfänglichen Industrialisierungsprozess : ein Vergleich der Berufsstruktur in ausgewählten industrienahen und industriefernen Gemeinden Nordindiens [On the mobilization of rural labourers during the initial process of industrialization : a comparison of the labour structure in selected areas near to and far away from industrial centres in North India] / von [by] Erhard W. Kropp. 2. unveränderte Auflage der 1968 im Harrassowitz-Verlag, Wiesbaden, erschienene Dissertation mit gleichem Titel [2nd. unrevised edition of the Ph. D. dissertation published in 1968 by Harrassowitz-Verlag, Wiesbaden] - 1975. XVII, 231 p.

ISBN 3-515-01976-6

11 Tabellen im Anhang [11 tables in the appendix] pp. 193-213, Erhebungsbogen [questionnaires] pp. 217-231, English summary pp. 177-182, Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 183-189.

Economic change in rural India has cut the ties between traditional village artisans and their clients. These clients prefer buying goods and services in the market rather than to support local artisans throughout the year. The artisans, however, do not find industrial employment to the same extent. This causes problems which are examined in this study on the basis of field work in some Panjabi villages.

13 Die Sozialisation tibetischer Kinder im soziokulturellen Wandel, dargestellt am Beispiel der Exiltibetersiedlung Dhor Patan (West Nepal) [The socialization of Tibetan children in social and cultural change, taking the settlement of exiled Tibetans in Dhor Patan (West Nepal) as an example] / von [by] Gudrun Ludwar. - 1975. XI, 209 p. ISBN 3-515-02063-2

Verzeichnis der zitierten Literatur [list of literature cited] pp. 191-197, English summary pp. 198-202, Interviewfragen [questions of the interviews] pp. 203 to 209, 2 Faltkarten am Ende des Bandes [2 folded maps at the end of the volume].

This study attempts to present the socio-cultural system of an exile group of Tibetans in West Nepal from the perspective of socialization, the process of transmission and adoption of socio-cultural values. The author stresses the minimal significance of Buddhist beliefs in this process and shows that even under the changed circumstances of life in exile, the value system is mainly shaped by the socio-economic and political conditions of Tibetan nomad life.

14 Die Steuerung der Direktinvestitionen im Rahmen einer rationalen Entwicklungspolitik [Controlling direct investment within a rational development policy] / von [by] Leo Rubinstein. - 1975. XI, 260 p. ISBN 3-51502064-0

15 Abb., Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 241-257, English summary pp. 259-260.

The author takes up the controversial question of the role of private investment in international economic cooperation. He argues that the interests of private investors can be reconciled with rational development policy and examines ways and means of directing the flow of private capital.

15 Ein erweitertes Harrod-Domar-Modell für die makroökonomische Programmierung in Entwicklungsländern : ein wachstumstheoretischer Beitrag zur Entwicklungsplanung [An extended Harrod-Domar-model for macro-economic programming in developing countries] / von [by] Axel W. Seiler. - 1975. VII, 230 p. ISBN 3-515-02092-6

14 Abb. [graphs], Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 209-227, English summary pp. 229-230.

The shortcomings of models of economic growth - their emphasis on equilibrium and their failure to include such factors as government interference, external relations and monetary influences - have led many economists to believe that they are of no use for development planning. In this study, however, an attempt is made to formulate an "extended Harrod-Domar model" which incorporates recent scientific findings in growth theory and might thus be helpful in macro-economic programming for developing countries.

16 Islam in Southern Asia : a survey of current research / edited by Dietmar Rothermund. - 1975. VIII, 126 p. ISBN 3-515-02095-0

Bibliography pp. 105-124.

Islamic studies tend to concentrate on the Arabic origins of this religion rather than on Southern Asia in which most Muslims live. An international workshop at Heidelberg (December 1974) brought together scholars who worked on the Muslims of that region, discussing themes such as the role of the state, the idea of nationalism, the relations with other communities, the regional variations of religious practices, etc.

From the table of contents:

Islamization, "Communitas", symbols and institutional structures : A summary by William R. Roff pp. 1-4.

Unity and variety in South Asian Islam. A summary by Imtiaz Ahmad pp. 4-9.

Work-in-progress reports:

I. Islamic institutions and the state in South East Asia

1. William [R.] Roff : Islamic institutions in Muslim Southeast Asia and cognate phenomena in the Indian sub-continent pp. 10-11, discussion p. 12.

2. Joachim Wiesner : Islam as a political factor in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei pp. 12-16.

3. Wendelin Wawer : Muslims and Christians in the Republic of Indonesia pp. 16-18, discussion pp. 18-19.

II. The position of Muslim women

Statement by Cora Vreede-de Stuers pp. 20-21.

III. Education, historiography, and the context of political and religious ideas

1. Ziya-ul Hasan Faruqi : Medieval Muslim education in India pp. 22-26, discussion pp. 26-27.

2. Peter Hardy : The use of modern Muslim South Asian historical writing for the intellectual history of Muslims in modern South Asia pp. 27-35, discussion pp. 34-35.

3. M. H. Zaidi : Lucknow culture pp. 35-37.

4. Gail Minault : Religious symbolism and political mobilization : A reinterpretation of the Khilafat Movement pp. 37-39.

5. Francis Robinson : Muslim separatism in Northern India in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries pp. 39-42, discussion pp. 42-43.

6. Christian W. Troll : A nineteenth century Indian Muslim restatement of Islam pp. 43-45, discussion p. 45.

7. Detlev H. Khalid : Pakistan's ideology in the secular nation state pp. 46-48.

8. Christa Schrodt : The Ahmadiya-Movement in Pakistan pp. 48-49.

IV. The regional setting of Muslims in India

1. Theodore P. Wright : A typology of South Asian Muslims : A taxonomic exercise pp. 49-53, discussion p. 53.

2. Kerrin Dittmer : The Hindustanis in Hyderabad State pp. 53-54, discussion p. 55.

3. Mattison Mines : Islamization and Muslim identity in South India pp. 55-57, discussion p. 57.

V. Social science surveys and anthropological fieldwork

1. Gopal Krishna : A social survey of Indian Muslims pp. 57-58, discussion p. 58.

2. Imtiaz Ahmad : Economic change among Muslims pp. 59-61, discussion pp. 60-61.

3. Harald Einzmann : Religious folk tradition in Afghanistan : Pilgrimage and the veneration of saints pp. 61-62, discussion p. 62-63.

Panel discussions

Panel 1 : The social structure of Muslim communities in South Asia

Keynote by Imtiaz Ahmad pp. 64-70.

Panelist's statement by Kerrin Dittmer p. 71.

Panelist's statement by Kenneth McPherson pp. 72-75.

Discussion pp. 75-77.

Panel 2 : The role of the Ulama

Keynote by Ziya-ul Hasan Faruqi pp. 78-80.

Panelist's statement by William Roff p. 81.

Panelist's statement by Peter Hardy p. 82.

Discussion pp. 83-85.

Panel 3 : The Muslims and the state

Keynote by Detlev H. Khalid pp. 85-88.

Panelist's statement by F. C. R. Robinson pp. 88-89.

Panelist's statement by Joachim Wiesner pp. 89-93.

Discussion pp. 93-95.

Panel 4 : Relations of Muslims with other religious groups

Keynote by Wendelin Wawer pp. 95-97.

Panelist's statement by Gopal Krishna p. 97.

Panelist's statement by Imtiaz Ahmad pp. 98-100.

Discussion pp. 101-102.

The final round p. 102.

Postscript by Hans Frey pp. 103-104.

Bibliography pp. 105-124.

List of participants pp. 125-126.

17 Aspekte sozialer Ungleichheit in Südasien [Aspects of social inequalitiy in South Asia] / herausgegeben von [edited by] Heinz Ahrens und [and] Kerrin Gräfin Schwerin. - 1975. VII, 215 p. ISBN 3-515-02096-6

This volume contains papers read at a seminar of the South Asia Institute in 1974 on aspects of social inequality in South Asia:

Hans Christoph Rieger : Armut und Ungleichheit auf dem Lande : Gundlegende Zusammenhänge [rural poverty and inequality : basic correlations] pp. 1 to 17, 15 tables, 1 figure.

Winfried von Urff : Das Problem der Armut in der indischen Entwicklungsplanung [The problem of poverty in Indian development planning] pp. 18-39, 4 tables.

Erhard W. Kropp : Armut und Unterbeschäftigung im ländlichen Indien und Ansätze zu ihrer Beseitigung [Poverty and under-employment in rural India and approaches towards their removal] pp. 40-65, graphs pp. 45, 59, table p. 60.

Friedrich-Wilhelm Fuhs : Zunehmender Bevölkerungsdruck, Arbeitsbeschaffung und ländliche Entwickung in Thailand [Increasing population pressure, employment and rural development in Thailand] pp. 66-87, graph p. 81.

Gernot Ruths : Die Machtverteilung im indischen Industriesektor (1948-1973) [The distribution of power in India's industrial sector (1948-1973)] pp. 88-110, 5 tables, graph p. 95.

Franz-Josef Vollmer : Beschränkungen des ländlichen Eigentums in Indien [Ceilings on rural poverty in India] pp. 111-124, 4 tables.

Heinz Ahrens : Zur Frage des Zielkonflikts zwischen gesamtwirtschaftlichem Wachstum und regionaler Verteilung in der pakistanischen Entwicklungsplanung [Overall growth and regional distribution in Pakistan's development planning] pp. 125-157, 1 model p. 127, 8 tables.

Maren Bellwinkel : Kaste und Klasse in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh [Caste and class in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh] pp. 158-180, table p. 163.

Hans-Werner Gensichen : Religion und Sozialethik im neueren Hinduismus [Religion and social ethics in modern Hinduism] pp. 181-192.

Kenneth McPherson : Gesellschaft und Wohlstand : Überlegungen zur Situation der Muslims in Indien (1857-1947) [Society and prosperity : Reflections on the situation of the Muslims in India (1857-1947)] pp. 193-198.

Lothar Lutze : Armut und Reichtum in indischen Gegenwartsliteraturen [Poverty and wealth in contemporary Indian literature] pp. 199-207.

Summaries pp. 209-214.

Mitarbeiter [The contributors] p. 215.

18 Probleme interdisziplinärer Forschung : organisations- und forschungssoziologische Untersuchung der Erfahrungen mit interdisziplinärer Zusammenarbeit im SFB 16 unter besonderer Betonung des Dhanbad-Projektes [Problems of interdisciplinary research : organisational and sociological study of experiences in interdisciplinary cooperation / von [by] Dieter Blaschke. Unter Mitarbeit von [in collaboration with] Ingrid Lukatis. - 1976. XI, 201 p.

ISBN 3-515-02131-0

Leitsätze für die Förderung von Sonderforschungsbereichen [Stand] Januar 1972 [Principles for the financing of Special Research Projects, January 1972] pp. 177-180.

Prüfung der neu beantragten Sonderforschungsbereiche : Fragenkatalog [Assessment of proposals for Special Research Projects handed in : questionnaire] pp. 181-182.

Begutachtung von Finanzierungsanträgen der Sonderforschungsbereiche : Fragenkatalog, Stand April 1972 [Assessment of applications for financing Special Research Projects : questionnaire] pp. 183-184.

Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 185-190.

Stichwortverzeichnis [list of keywords] pp. 191-193.

English summary pp. 198-201.

The Dhanbad Research Project, a large interdisciplinary field study of the relations between an Indian coalfield and its rural hinterland, gave rise to many problems of research administration, group dynamics in the field, co-ordination of results etc. These problems have been studied in this work by sociologists who tried to derive lessons from this case study for research planning and policy, field research management, etc.

19 Einfluss des Bergbaus auf die Beschäftigungsstruktur in ländlichen Gemeinden : gezeigt am Beispiel des Dhanbad-Distriktes, Bihar, Indien [The influence of the mining industry on the employment structure in rural areas : Dhanbad Disctrict, Bihar, India] / von [by] Erhard W. Kropp. - 1976. XII, 184 p. ISBN 3-515-02132-9

38 Tabellen im Anhang [38 tables in the appendix], English summary pp. 176 to 179, Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 180-184.

The Dhanbad Research Project included a detailed labour survey of several villages whose households were observed by investigators for one year so as to document seasonal variations in the employment of family labour etc. The huge amount of data generated by this survey have been interpreted here with a view to test theories of rural underemployment and to determine the impact of mining on the demand for labour in the Dhanbad area.

20 Drei Jaina-Gedichte in Alt-Gujart : Edition, Übersetzung, Grammatik und Glossar [Three Jaina poems in Old Gujart : edition, translation, grammar and glossary] / von [by] George Baumann. - 1975. XVIII, 176 p.

ISBN 3-515-02177-9

8 photogr. Abb. von den Manuskripten [8 photographs of the manuscripts], English summary pp. 171-176.

Metres, rhyme-schemes, phonology and morphology of the language of three Jaina poems in Old Gujart (Neminthacatupadik, Dharmmmatk o. Dhm, and Slibhaddakakkkulam), published from manuscripts in transcription and translated for the first time.

21 Eigentumsbeschränkungen in Indien [Restrictions on property in India] / von [by] Franz-Josef Vollmer. - 1975. VIII, 147 p. ISBN 3-515-02307-0

Glossarium der verwendeten indischen Begriffe [glossary of the Indian terms used] p. 143, Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] p. 144-147, English summary pp. 139-142.

The right of individual property has been subjected to several restrictions in India. In this study, general problems such as the determination of due compensation as well as specific cases such as the nationalisation of banks have been analysed.

22 Nomaden von Gharjistn : Aspekte der wirtschaftlichen, sozialen und politischen Organisation nomadischer Durrn-Paschtunen in Nordwestafghanistan [Nomads of Gharjistn : Aspects of the economic, social and political organisation among the Durrn Pashtuns of Afghanistan] / von [by] Bernt Glatzer. - 1977. XII, 234 p. ISBN 3-515-02137-X

Bibliographie [bibliography] pp. 210-223, English summary pp. 224-227, Register [index] pp. 228-233, Lageskizze von [sketch map of] Pombakr und [and] Qala-i Khambar p. 234, Faltkarte von [folded map of] Gharjistn am Ende des Bandes [at the end of the volume].

In this book, the author describes and analyzes some aspects of the economy and social organization of Pushtoon nomads in North-West Afghanistan with emphasis on their egalitarian and decentralized political organization.

23 Buddhistische Politik in Thailand : mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des heterodoxen Messianismus [Buddhist politics in Thailand : with special reference to the heterodox Messianism] / von [by] Walter Skrobanek. - 1976. VII, 315 p. ISBN 3-515-02390-9

Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] in Thai pp. 278-289, Literaturverzeichnis in westlichen Sprachen [bibliography in western languages] p. 290-304, Sachregister [index] p. 305-307, Personenregister [index of persons] p. 308-311, English summary pp. 312-315.

The term "Buddhist Politics" in the title of this book refers to Buddhist thought in traditional social philosophy, to political movements in the Buddhist order, to the application of Buddhist philosophy in political ideologies, and to the official policy of Thailand towards Buddhism.

24 Lohnpolitik und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung : ein Beitrag zur Analyse der Verteilungsproblematik unter besonderer Berücksichtigung Indiens [Wage policy and economic development : a contribution to the analysis of distribution with special emphasis on India] / von [by] Gunther Dienemann. - 1977. VII, 318 p. ISBN 3-515-02389-5

Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] p. 262-270, 15 Tabellen in Anhang A [15 tables in Appendix A], Anhang B : Texte [Appendix B : texts], English summary pp. 315-318.

The author of this study, who was a member of the Dhanbad Research Project, examines the interrelations between wage policy and economic development in developing countries in general and in India with particular refer-ence to the Indian coalfield. He shows how a policy of wage fixation which was adopted for the Indian coal industry as early as 1947, led to a rise in real wages for the mine workers and to a more equal distribution of income, but also to a considerable rise in the price of coal and coal products.

25 Der Gleichheitssatz in der Praxis des indischen Zivilverfahrens [The principle of equal rights in the Indian civil procedure] / von [by] Dierk Helmken. - 1976. XII, 286 p. ISBN 3-515-02134-5

Methodologischer Anhang : Umfang, Methodik und Techniken der empirischen Datensammlung und ihre Probleme. Verzeichnis der wichtigsten schriftlichen Informationsquellen [Methodological appendix : scope, methodology and techniques of the empirical collection of data and the problems involved. List of the main wirtten sources of information] pp. 258-264, Abkürzungsverzeichnis [List of abbreviations] pp. 265-266, Quellenverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 267-277, English summary pp. 279-286.

This work by a student of law was a contribution to the Dhanbad Research Project. The author explored the relationship of the rural population to the district courts in Dhanbad and conducted research on the numerous problems which beset the free access of the rural poor to legal remedies.

26 Der Einfluss von Produktionstechniken auf die Produktion der Hauptfruchtarten im pakistanischen Punjab : methodische Probleme der Erfassung und Quantifizierung [The influence of production techniques on the production of the main crops in Pakistani Punjab : methodical problems of recording and formulating quantitative models] / von [by] Bernhard May. - 1977. XVIII, 403 p. ISBN 3-515-02580-4

78 Tabellen im Text [78 tables in the text], Tabellenanhang [Appendix of tables] pp. 295-344, Abbildungsanhang [Appendix of graphs] pp. 347-365, Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 369-374, Fragebogen [questionnaire] pp. 377-397, English summary pp. 399-403.

This is an attempt to formulate quantitative models for explaining the influence of various determinants, particularly non-traditional inputs, on the production of major crops in Pakistani Punjab. The author uses official statistics as well as data collected by himself on 600 farms.

27 Tai-Khamti phonology and vocabulary / by Alfons Weidert. - 1977. VII, 92 p. ISBN 3-515-02582-0

The author makes use of the latest contributions to linguistic theories in describing the phonology of Tai-Khamti, which belongs to the Siamese-Chinese family of languages in India, spoken in Arunachal Pradesh.

28 Rudras Geburt : systematische Untersuchungen zum Inzest in der Mythologie der Brhmaas [Rudra's birth : systematic studies on the phenomenon of incest in the mythology of the Brhmaas] / von [by] Joachim Deppert. - 1977. LX, 396 p. ISBN 3-51502583-9

Anhang : Nakatraliste und zwei Texte zum Termin des Neujahrsfestes [Appendix : List of Nakatras and two texts on the date of the festival of New Year [KB XIX.2/3 PB V.9.-1-14] pp. 375-383, Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 384-392, English summary pp. 393-396.

Applying the structural method of Claude Lévi-Strauss to the interpretation of Vedic mythology, the author emphasizes the fundamental opposition between isolation and communication and analyses the various myths concerning Rudra in this context. Incest is regarded as an instance of isolation. The unfolding of mythical thought which has its own intrinsic logic is explored in detail with special reference to the dimension of time and the concept of creation.

29 Der Reisanbau im unteren Kirindi Oya-Becken : Analyse einer Reisbaulandschaft im Südosten der Insel Ceylon [The cultivation of rice in the lower Kirindi Oya Basin : Analysis of a rice growing area in the southeastern part of the island of Ceylon / von [by] Gisela Zaun-Axler. - 1977. XIX, 286 p.

ISBN 3-515-02584-7

English summary pp. 261-263, 18 Photos pp. 265-273, Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 275-284, Anhang : Fragebogen (Zusammenfassung) [Appendix : questionnaire (summary)] pp. 285-286.

The author examines the influence of water supply, transport facilities, landtenure conditions and of the educational standard on cultivation methods and crop yields in three villages of the Lower Kirindi Oya Basin, one of the driest regions of Sri Lanka, where farmers have adopted irrigated paddy cultivation. Despite government support, the paddy cultivators do not readily turn to modern methods.

30 Faktoren des Gesundwerdens in Gruppen und Ethnien : Verhandlungen des 2. Rundgesprächs Ethnomedizin" in Heidelberg vom 29. und 30. November 1974 unter Schirmherrschaft des Südasien-Instituts, Institut für Tropenhygiene und Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen und Seminar für Ethnologie [Factors of healing in groups and ethnic groups : discussions during the 2nd round table talk Ethnomedicine" at Heidelberg from 29th to 30th November, 1974 under the auspices of the South Asia Institute, Institute of Tropical Hygiene and Public Health and Department of Ethnology] / herausgegeben von [edited by] Ekkehard Schröder. - 1977. XIII, 125 p. ISBN 3-51502585-5

Photographs pp. 54-55.

This volume contains seventeen contributions to a seminar on various aspects of healing in traditional and modern societies. Among the participants were anthropologists, sociologists, psychologists, and physicians.

From the table of contents :

Teil I : Einleitende Beiträge für ein Rundgespräch [Part I : Introductory contributions to a panel discussion]

Yaw Osei : Faktoren des Gesundwerdens : Einige Aspekte aus der Akanheilkunde [Factors of healing : some aspects of Akan healing methods] pp. 2-8)

Helmtraud Sheikh-Dilthey : Ritualisiertes Leiden als Faktor des Gesundwer-dens : Studie zu einem Phänomen [Ritualized suffering as an aspect of heal-ing : studies of a phenomenon] pp. 9-12, discussion pp. 12-15.

Teil II : Gesundwerden in traditionellen Gesellschaften [Part II : Healing in traditional societies]

Summary and discussion of the contributions pp. 16-17.

Edith Velten-Schuberth : Gesundheitsverhalten in traditionell orientierten Gesellschaften [Health behaviour in traditionally oriented societies] pp. 18-22.

Ulf Lind : Wie wirkt die Heilkunst der Ayore-Indianer? [How do the healing methods of the Ayore Indians work?] pp. 23-29.

Dagmar Wagner-Robertz : Krankenheilung bei den Hei/Om in Südwestafrika [Healing among the Hei/Om in Southwest Africa] pp. 30-36.

Nimbine : Heilender Hauch aus magischer Kraft (Protokoll und Tonbandmitschnitte aus einem vertiefenden Informationsgespräch zu Joachim Sterlys Beitrag mit Film "Krankenbehandlung in einer Dorfgemeinschaft im Hochland von Neuguinea" [Nimbine : The healing breath of magic power (Minutes and tape recordings of an in-depth information talk on Joachim Sterly's contribition with the film "Healing in a village community in the highlands of New Guinea"] pp. 37-42.

Dieter H. Frießen : Das Krankheitsverhalten und seine ethnischen Variationen : Ein medizinisch-soziologischer Abriß [Health behaviour and its ethnic variations : a socio-medical summary] pp. 43-48, 1 Grafik [graph], Literatur [bibliography] pp. 47-48.

Teil III : Grundmuster des Gesundwerdens in Kommunikationsmodellen : Thesen zum Rundgespräch [Part III : Basic patterns of healing in communication models : Theses on the round table talk]

Zusammenfassung der Referate [summaries of the papers presented] pp. 49-50.

Horst H. Figge : Geisterbesessenheit und Gesundwerden in der brasilianischen Umbanda-Religion [Possession and healing in the Brazilian Umbanda religion] pp. 51-58, photographs pp. 54-55.

Paul Kapapa : Krank und gesund : Eine Zuweisung durch die Gruppe? : Studie an zwei Bantugruppen in Malawi [Ill and healthy : to be determined by the group? : A study of two Bantu groups in Malawi]] pp. 59-61) (Diskussion : Eine Auseinandersetzung um Betrachtungsebenen von krank und gesund [Discussion : An exchange of views on the levels of contemplation regarding the concepts of illness and health] pp. 61-64.

Gerhard Rudnitzki und Roswitha Huber : Familie im sozialen Feld als Faktor des Gesundwerdens, dargestellt an Fällen aus der Rehabilitationspsychiatrie [The family in their social surroundings as a factor of healing, describing cases of rehabilitation psychiatry] pp. 65-69, Literaturhinweise [bibliographical notes] pp. 68-69 : Erörterung und These [discussion and thesis] pp. 70-72.

Inhaltsangabe zu Rudolf Schendas Referat : Das Verhalten der Patienten im Schnittpunkt professionalisierter und naiver Gesundheitsversorgung : Historische Enwicklung und aktuelle Problematik [concise contents of the paper by Rudolf Schenda : Patients' behaviour between professionalized and naive health services : Historical development and current problems] pp. 73-76, Literatur [bibliographical notes] p. 76.

Teil IV : Ethnomedizin als angewandte Wissenschaft [Part IV : Ethnomedicine as an applied science]

Zusammenfassungen und Diskussion zum Gruppenthema [summaries and discussion of the general subject] pp. 77-78.

H. J. Diesfeld : Der Einbau traditioneller Gesundheitssysteme in den Rahmen nationaler Gesundheitsstrategien in den Entwicklungsländern [Incorporating traditional health systems into the framework of national health strategies in developing countries] pp. 79-83, Bibliographie [bibliography] p. 83.

Werner H. Stöcklin : Der Medizinmann als Konsilarius im Buschspital : Erfah-rungen im Sepukdistrikt, Neuguinea [The shaman as medical consultant in a bush hospital : experiences in Sepuk District, New Guinea] pp. 84-86.

Von der Toleranz zur Zusammenarbeit : Ein Scharmützel zum Referat [From mere tolerance to cooperation : A battle of words] pp. 87-88.

Paul Hinderling : Verhalten ländlicher Patienten in Thailand [Rural patients' behaviour in Thailand] pp. 89-94.

Eine Überlegung zum Referat [A thought on the paper] p. 95.

Ursula Bernauer : Aspekte der chilenischen Volksmedizin bei der Entwicklung von Gesundheitsstrategien [Aspects of Chilinean folk medicine in developing health strategies] pp. 96-106, Literaturhinweise [bibliographical notes] p. 106.

Aus der Diskussion zum Referat [From the discussion of the paper] pp. 107 to 108.

Horst Uhlig : "Die Geburt im Knien" bei den Zulufrauen : Allgemeine Vorbemerkungen zur Thematik und Entstehungsgeschichte der Filme und Befragungsergebnisse zum lokalen Geburtsbrauchtum ["Birth while kneeling" among Zulu women : General remarks on this subject and the genesis of films about and results of surveys of local birth practices] pp. 109-119.

Heinz Kirchhoff : Die Gebärhaltung der Frau : Kurzer medizinischer Kommentar zu dem Film von Prof. Uhlig : "Die Geburt im Knien bei den Zulu-Frauen Südafrikas" [The female posture while giving birth : A short medical commentary on Prof. Uhlig's film : "Birth while kneeling among the Zulu women in South Africa"] pp. 120-125.

31 Von Armut zu Elend : Kolonialherrschaft und Agrarverfassung in Chota Nagpur, 1858-1908 [From poverty to misery : colonial rule and the agricultural state in Chota Nagpur, 1858-1908] / von [by] Detlef Schwerin. - 1977. XIX, 551 p. ISBN 3-51502407-7

Bibliographie [bibliography] pp. 540-549, English summary pp. 550-551.

In the context of the Dhanbad Research Project, the control of land and labour in the region in which the coalfield is situated, the Chota Nagpur division of Bihar, was of particular importance. In studying the rural history of this region,

the author arrived at the conclusion that it proceeded from poverty to misery. He documents his thesis with detailed data on rent, bonded labour, migration, etc.

32 The Nilgiris : weather and climate of a mountain area in South India / by Hans J. von Lengerke. - 1977. XVIII, 340 p. ISBN 3-515-02640-1

Bibliographie [bibliography] pp. 254-275, 13 appendices pp. 277-311, 50 photos pp. 313-340.

This volume contains a study of the climatic conditions prevailing in the Nilgiri massif based on data collected by the author during field observations in 1972/73. The analysis reveals a striking diversity of atmospheric and hydrological conditions within a limited area which is due to the varied topography of the Nilgiris and the resultant modifications of large-scale atmospheric control.

33 The social setting of Christian conversion in South India : the impact of the Wesleyan Methodist missionaries on the Trichy-Tanjore diocese with special reference to the Harijan communities of the mass movement area, 1820-1947 / by Sundararaj Manickam. - 1977. XIX, 296 p. ISBN 3-515-02639-8

Select bibliography pp. 262-275, index pp. 276-296.

The antecedents and the consequences of the mass conversion of Harijans to Christianity in the Kongunad region of Tamil Nadu are described in this work which provides insight into the social history of Southern India. Missionary activities as well as the social structure of the communities, which responded to these activities are analysed in detail.

34 Religiöses Volksbrauchtum in Afghanistan : islamische Heiligenverehrung und Wallfahrtswesen im Raum Kabul [Religious folk traditions in Afghanistan : the veneration of Islamic saints and the pilgirmage system in the Kabul area] / von Harald Einzmann. - 1977. IX, 346 p. ISBN 3-515-02652-5

English summary pp. 294-303, Anhang (Appendix] : 1. Zur Transkription [on the transcription] pp. 305, index pp. 306-310, Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 311-322, photos pp. 325-346, 4 Faltkarten in Tasche am Ende des Buches [4 folded maps in flap at the end of the book]

In spite of its rejection by orthodox Islam, the veneration of Muslim saints is one of the most significant aspects of folk traditions. The present study deals with this phenomenon in Afghanistan, mainly in the city and in the vicinity of Kabul.

35 Untersuchungen des Königswahlmotivs in der indischen Märchenliteratur  : Pañcadivydhivsa [Studies on the motif of the election of kings in the Indian fairy tales : Pañcadivydhivsa] / von [by] Gabriella Steermann-Imre. - 1977. XII, 316 p. ISBN 3-515-02597-9

4 Appendices, Literaturverzeichnis mit ausgewählter Bibliographie [select bibliography] p. 305-316, English summary [pp. 317-321]

Rooted in the great tradition of folkloristic research of her native country, Hungary, the authoress pursues the motif of electing the right king in the Jtakas, the Jaina literature, the different recensions of the Pañcatantra, and oral literature, and sheds light upon its religious and philosophical background.

36 Schichtungsmodelle, Schichtungstheorien und die sozial-strukturelle Rolle von Erziehung : eine theoretische Diskussion und eine empirische Fallstudie aus Indien [Models and theories of social stratification and the socio-structural role of education : a theoretical discussion and an empirical case study from India] / von [by] John Peter Neelsen. - 1976. XII, 240 p.

ISBN 3-515-02638-X

Bibliographie [bibliography] p. 209-234, Glossar [glossary] p. 235-236, English summary pp. 237- 238, Dhanbad-Nachwort [Dhanbad postscipt] p. 239 to 240.

Based on a study of the impact of education which was part of the Dhanbad Research Project, the author proceeds to an analysis of theories of social stratification and their relevance for an understanding of education as an element of social structure.

37 Innovationsfaktoren in der Landwirtschaft Indiens : der Einfluss von betriebswirtschaftlichen, sozialen und versorgungsbedingten Strukturelementen sowie Betriebsleitermerkmalen beim Übergang zu verbesserten Anbaumethoden in der Landwirtschaft : gezeigt am Beispiel ausgewählter Dörfer des Dhanbad Distrikts, Bihar, Indien  [Factors of innovation in Indian agricultue : the impact of managerial, social and supply related structural elements and farm managerial characteristics when switching to ameliorated methods of cultivation in agriculture : as observed in selected villages of the Dhanbad District, Bihar, India] / von [by] Harald Hänsch. - 1977. XII, 277, 34 p.

ISBN 3-515-02704-1

4 p. English summary.

The differential adoption of innovations in rice and vegetable cultivation in the rural hinterland of the Indian coalfield was investigated in the course of the Dhanbad Research Project. The author evaluated his field data by using the method of multivariate factor analysis.

38 Der indisch-pakistanische Konflikt und seine wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Kosten für Pakistan in den Jahren 1958-1968 [The conflict between India and Pakistan and its economic and social costs for Pakistan during the years 1958-1968] / von Hans Frey. - 1978. XIX, 234 p. ISBN 3-515-02716-5

Appendix : Tabellen [tables] A3-A4, Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 219-225, English summary pp. 227-234.

The conflict between India and Pakistan had considerably burdened the economies of both countries. This thesis is aimed at an estimate of the social and economic costs of the conflict as far as Pakistan is concerned where the author did his research.

39 Arleng Alam : die Sprache der Mikir ; Grammatik und Texte [Arleng Alam : the language of the Mikir ; grammar and texts] / von [by] Karl-Heinz Grüßner. - 1978. [VII], 223 p. ISBN 3-515-02717-3

Index pp. 211-214, Abkürzungen und Zeichenerklärung [abbreviations and explanation of signs and symbols] pp. 215-217, Bibliographie [bibliography] pp. 218-221, English summary pp. 222-223, 2 Karten am Ende des Bandes [2 maps at the end of the volume]

Data for this grammar were gathered during several sojourns in Assam between 1970 and 1973. It describes the phonological and morphological structure of the Mikir language, which probably is a separate group with a close relationship to the Kuki-Chin subgroup of Tibeto-Burman.

40 Indian merchants and the decline of Surat, c. 1700-1750 / by Ashin Das Gupta. - 1978. X, 305 p. ISBN 3-515-02718-1

2 appendices pp. 280-299, index pp. 300-305, 2 maps at the end of the volume.

Surat was the main port of the Mughal empire; it declined along with it because trade relations were affected by political instability. Based on a detailed study of Dutch and English sources, the author provides a vivid portrait of the life and fortunes of Indian merchants during this crucial period.

41 Bangladesh : constitutional quest for autonomy, 1950-1971 / by Moudud Ahmed. - 1978. XVI, 373 p. ISBN 3-515-02908-7

Appendix : 1. Draft Constitution Amendment Bill, 1969 pp. 319-363 , 2. Directives pp. 364-368, index pp. 369-373.

The author, who was a legal advisor to Mujibur Rahman, participated in several important negotiations and gives an eyewitness account of the quest for autonomy and presents many hitherto unpublished documents.

42 Bestimmungsgründe und Alternativen divergierender regionaler Wachstumsverläufe in Entwickungsländern : eine theoretische und empirische Analyse unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Regionalentwicklung in Ost- und Westpakistan, 1947-1970 [Reasons of and alternatives for diverging courses of regional growth in developing countries : a theoretical and empirical analysis with special reference to the regional development in East and West Pakistan, 1947-1970 / von [by] Heinz-Dietmar Ahrens. - 1978. XV, 392 p. ISBN 3-515-02827-7

4 Anhänge [appendices], Bibliographie [bibliography] p. 375-385, English summary pp. 386-392.

The author, taking up a problem already touched upon in BSAF 6 of which he was a co-author, examines the reasons for the marked economic disparities between the two wings of Pakistan (1947-70) as well as possible strategies for an economic policy combining the aims of a maximum overall growth and a balanced regional allocation of resources. He concludes that these object-

ives were largely complementary, whereas Pakistan's planners assumed a clear conflict and neglected the Eastern wing for the sake of short-term overall growth (cf. BSAF 6, 45, 51, 67).

Anhang [Appendix] I : Definition der im Zwei-Regionen-Wachstumsmodell und im retrospektiven Simulationsmodell verwendeten Symbole [Definition of the symbols used in the two-region growth model and in the retrospective simulation model] pp. 292-293.

Anhang [Appendix] II : Tabellen zum Zwei-Regionen-Wachstumsmodell [Tables referring to the two-region growth model] pp. 295-299.

Anhang [Appendix] III : Daten zur Entwicklung Ost- und Westpakistans : statistischer und methodischer Hintergrund [Data on the development of East and West Pakistan : statistical and methodological background] pp. 300-366.

Anhang [Appendix] IV : Tabellen zum retrospektiven Simulationsmodell [Tables on the retrospective simulation model] pp. 167-374.

43 Das tibetische Handwerkertum vor 1959 [Tibetan craftsmen before 1959] / von [by] Veronika Ronge. - 1978. VIII, 181 p. ISBN 3-515-02793-9

Transliteration p. VII, Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 154-163, English summary pp. 164-166, Phonetische Transkription [phonetic transcription] p. 167, Alphabetisches Verzeichnis der tibetischen Wörter und Register [alphabetical list of Tibetan words and registers] pp. 168-180, [Legende zum / key to the] Stadtplan von [map of] Lhasa, p. 181, am Ende des Bandes [at the end of the volume] : Faltkarte [folded map] : Tibet : Nach dem 'Jam Glin Rgyas Bsad ; nach T. Wylie abgeändert u[nd] gezeichnet von N. G. Ronge [Tibet : After the 'Jam Glin Rgyas Bsad. After T. Wylie, altered and drawn by N. G. Ronge], Faltkarte [folded map] : Stadtplan von [map of] Lhasa.

This study deals with the life of the craftsmen in Tibet before the Chinese occupation. Apart from describing various craft-techniques, an attempt is made to reconstruct the craftsmen's position within the religious, social and economic framework of the Tibetan society.

44 Hunza und China (1761-1891) : 130 Jahre einer Beziehung und ihre Bedeutung für die wirtschaftliche und politische Entwicklung Hunzas im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert [Hunza and China (1761-1891) : 130 years of a relationship and its importance for the economic and political development of Hunza in the 18th and 19th centuries] / von [by] Irmtraud Müller-Stellrecht. - 1978. VII, 139 p. ISBN 3-51502799-8

English summary pp. 136-139, Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 124-133, Zeittafel [chronological table] pp. 134-135.

The kingdom of Hunza, since 1948 the northeasternmost part of Pakistan, had been incorporated into the British-Indian Empire in 1891. Formally a tributary of Chinese East Turkestan since 1761, Hunza profited during the 19th century in many ways from China's military and political weakness. The authoress bases her account partly on hitherto unused material from the Hunza archives.

45 Interdependenzen zwischen gesamtwirtschaftlichem Wachstum und regionaler Verteilung in Pakistan [Interdependencies between overall growth and regional distribution in Pakistan / von [by] Heinz Ahrens und [and] Wolfgang-Peter Zingel. - 1978. XXXVI, 882 p. ISBN 3-515-02830-7

156 Tabellen im Text [tables in the text], VII Anhänge [appendices], Fragebogen [questionnaire] pp. 333-358, Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 853-866, English summary pp. 867-882.

This study presents additional material on the problems of regional disparities in Pakistan, presented by the authors of BSAF 6, 42, 51 and 67.

46 Institutioneller Agrarkredit und traditionelle Schuldverhältnisse : Distrikt Dhanbad, Bihar, Indien [Institutional agricultural credit and traditional relations of indebtendness : Dhanbad District, Bihar, India] / von [by] Hans-Dieter Roth. - 1978. XIX, 364 p. ISBN 3-515-02795-5

Literaturverzeichnis [bibliography] pp. 321-331.

This study of rural credit was part of the Dhanbad Research Project. A detailed analysis and critique of institutional credit is the main subject of the thesis, but the author also provides insights into the operations of village moneylenders.

47 Comparative evaluation of road construction techniques in Nepal / by Hans C[hristoph] Rieger and Binayak Bhadra. - 1979. XIII, 257 p.

ISBN 3-51503120-0

26 figs., VIII appendices, bibliography pp. 255-257

Nepal's endeavours to create a road network permitting the expansion of economic activities into hitherto inaccessible areas of the country have been assisted by several friendly countries, particularly by India. The various construction techniques used by the aid donors are evaluated in this report on a research project undertaken by Nepal's Centre for Economic Development and Administration on behalf of the International Labour Office, Geneva.

48 Labour utilization and farm income in rural Thailand : results of case studies in rural villages, 1969 - 70 / by Friedrich W[ilhelm] Fuhs. In cooperation with Gregory Capellari and Fred V. Goericke, Research Centre for International Agrarian Development, Heidelberg. - 1979. XVI, 371 p. ISBN 3-51503001-8

51 figs., 27 tables, 8 maps, glossary p. XIV, annex with 90 tables pp. 276-368, bibliography pp. 369-371.

This is the report of a research project on the utilization of rural manpower and on the income of farming families in villages of different regions of Thailand. It demonstrates the relevant factors determining agricultural development in the major rural areas of Thailand and is designed as a tool for regional and central planners.

49 Aruantis ivajñnasiddhiyr : die Erlangung des Wissens um iva oder um die Erlösung. Unter Beifügung einer Einleitung und Meykaadevas ivajñnabodha : aus dem Tamil übersetzt und kommentiert von Hilko Wiardo Schomerus DD , weiland Professor für Religionsgeschichte an der Universität Halle-Wittenberg [Aruanti's ivajñnasiddhiyr : the attainment of knowledge about iva or about redemption. With an introduction and Meykaadeva's ivajñnabodha : translated from Tamil and commented upon by Hilko Wiardo Schomerus DD , late Professor of History of Religion at the University of Halle-Wittenberg] / Herausgegeben von [edited by] Hermann Berger, Ayyadurai Dhamotharan und [and] Dieter B[ernd] Kapp. 2 Bde. [2 vols.] - 1981. XVI, 745 p. ISBN 3-515-03874-4

Index pp. 697-745.

This is a translation from Tamil by the late missionary and Tamil scholar Hilko Wiardo Schomerus. It is a didactic text belonging to the iva Siddhnta and contains, in the first part, the doctrine stated by the author (Svapaka) and, in the second part, the doctrine of the opponents and their refutation (Parapaka). The translation is commented on by the translator on the basis of an indigenous (Tamil) commentary.

50 Tamil dictionaries : a bibliography / by Ayyadurai Dhamotharan. - 1978. 185 p. ISBN 3-515-03005-0

References p. 11.

This volume contains a bibliography, presenting all types of lexicographical sources and dictionaries - monolingual, multilingual, etymological, technical, polyglots, phrase-books, vocabularies - published since the scientific discovery of Tamil.

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