EBHR - Information for authors

Proposals for articles should in the first instance be sent to the managing editor, William S. Sax. All articles submitted are subject to a process of peer review.

Please use author-year citations in parentheses within the text, footnotes where necessary, and include a full bibliography. This is often called the ‘Harvard’ format.

In the body of your text:

It has been conclusively demonstrated (Sakya 1987, Smith 1992) in spite of objections (Miller 1988: 132-9) that the ostrich is rare in Nepal.

In the bibliography:

Sakya, G.D. 1987. Nepalese Ostriches: A trivial myth. Kathmandu: Mani Pustak Bhandar.

Miller, M.L. 1988. A comprehensive rebuttal of G. Sakya. Kailash 6(2): 121-83.

Smith, B.C. 1992. Looking for ostriches. In Research Methodologies for the Himalayas, edited by J. Pande, pp. 110-145. Shimla: Mountain Publishers.

We welcome information on upcoming conferences and publications.

Address for proposals, submissions, etc.:

Prof. William S. Sax
Managing editor of the European Bulletin of Himalayan Research,
Dept. of Anthropology
South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University
Im Neuenheimer Feld 330
D-69120 Heidelberg / Germany
e-mail: William.Sax@urz.uni-heidelberg.de
Tel.: (+49) 6221 54 89 31
Fax: (+49) 6221 54 88 98

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