Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg


for BA, MA and PhD Candidates

Summer 2011

Date Speaker Topic
12.04 Professor Subrata K. Mitra
Radu Carciumaru
Formal organisational meeting: Allocation of slots
19.04 Prof. Dr. Harald Hauptmann (Discussant)
Prof. Sayed Wiqar Ali Shah
Religion and politics in Pakistan
26.04 Professor Mitra, Dr. Schöttli, Markus Pauli
Democracy, Social Opportunity and Economic Security in India
03.05 Professor Subrata K. Mitra, Dr. Jivanta Schöttli,
Dr. Siegfried Wolf, Radu Carciumaru
Tutorial for BA, Magister, MA and PhD candidates
10.05 Robert Jan Riemersma

Naveed Syed
Legitimacy and conflict: a case study of the Tamil Eelam War IV and its wider implications
VDas politische Parteiensystem und die Fragmentierung der Demokratie in Pakistan
17.05 Anja Kluge

Manon Koenen
Gesundheit in Indien. Eine Analyse der Strukturen und Prozesse gesundheitlicher Versorgungspolitik anhand der Fallbeispiele Tamil Nadu und Orissa
Frauen in der Politik Indiens - Quotenregelung und sozialer Wandel als Wege des 'Empowerment' der Frau
24.05 Professor Dr. Bharat H. Desai (Jawaharlal Nehru Chair in International Environmental Law, JNU) Revitalizing International Environmental Governance
31.05 Zahid Chowdhury
Zahra Alibaba
Corruption in South Asia
Indian -Iranian Relationship: 1947-today
14.06 Dr. Karl-Heinz Krämer Nepals politische Parteien: Probleme der Inklusion, Legitimation und Spaltung
21.06 Professor Dr. Bharat H. Desai Effectuation of International Environmental Law at National Level: Some Comparative Trends in South Asia
28.06 Hendrick Lehmann

Yang Lu
India-US Relations: Strategic Partnership or true Alliance
Dynamics of National Interests and National Identities: a constructivist approach to the India-China relations
05.07 Dr. Thierry Di Costanzo (University of Strasbourg) Textual software analysis applied to Indian political autobiographies from the colonial era
12.07 Manuel Steinbrenner and Patrick Tunkl Space Bonding Project
19.07 Christoph Schlomach Soziale Bewegung und staatliche Institutionen am Beispiel Indien

For further information, please contact Dr. Jivanta Schottli or Radu Carciumaru, MA

Email: Editor
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