Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Neusprachliche Südasienstudien


Course: Transnational social change, secularism, identity and islamization: the example of Bangladesh
The course will discuss social change, ‘modernity’ and identity theories. Socio-cultural and intellectual history of tensions and conflicts between secularism, ‘modernity’ and the political Islam in East Pakistan/Bangladesh will be described. Subsequently effects of the migration into the Arab Golf States on the socio-cultural ‘Islamisation’ and ‘Arabization’ and islamistic radicalization in Bangladesh are discussed. Selected concepts of ‘Peace and Conflict Studies’ are introduced and used to analyze causes of the growth of islamistic fundamentalism in Bangladesh and Asia. Finally, the relevance of the ‘electronic media’ for social change will be discussed.

Lecturer: Dr. rer. pol. Dieter Reinhardt, Rhine Waal University for Applied Sciences

Time: Tuesdays, 4-6pm

Place: INF 330, room 316

Posted on 09 Apr 2018
Webmaster: jk
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