Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Neusprachliche Südasienstudien


Mythos und Moloch by Johanna Hahn
CrossAsia-eBooks has published Mythos und Moloch: Die Metropole in der modernen Hindi-Literatur (ca.1970-2010) by Johanna Hahn.  The study Mythos und Moloch examines Hindi urban literature in the period between 1970 and the present. Using popular myths such as the "deceptive city" (māyāvī śahar), characters such as the flaneur and places such as the tea stall, it shows how regional-language narratives form an interface between global and national discourses and local worlds of experience.

Posted on 09 Dec 2020
Festschrift in honour of Rahul Peter Das

Wege durchs Labyrinth: Festschrift zu Ehren von Rahul Peter Das, hrsg. von Carmen Brandt und Hans Harder: Heidelberg: CrossAsia-eBooks, 2020. ISBN 978-3-946742-73-9 (Online-PDF), ISBN 978-3-946742-72-2 (Hardcover).
Wege durchs Labyrinth contains contributions in German and English by colleagues, students and companions of Professor Das. The essays collected in this volume reflect different thematic focuses many of which reverberate topics which Professor Das himself has worked on. These include Sanskrit studies, historical linguistics, text editions in New Indo-Aryan languages, sociolinguistics, South Asian history of religion, Bengali and Hindi literature, history of science of Indology/South Asian studies, and Tamil studies. Some of the contributions are directly linked to Rahul Peter Das' work or specific writings, while the totality of the essays reflect his various research interests and different methodological approaches.

Contributors to this publication are Carmen Brandt, Renata Czekalska, Ines Fornell, Eli Franco, Ratul Ghosh, Olav Hackstein, Hans Harder, Martin Kämpchen, Klaus Karttunen, Makoto Kitada, Frank J. Korom, Agnieszka Kuczkiewicz-Fras, Halina Marlewicz, Ulrike Niklas, Tatiana Oranskaia, Felix Otter, Adapa Satyanarayana, Britta Schulze-Thulin, Sabine Franziska Strich, Heinz Werner Wessler and Benjamin Zachariah.

Posted on 07 Dec 2020
Obituary for Dr. Alokeranjan Dasgupta
The South Asia Institute is united in grief about Dr. Alokeranjan Dasgupta (1933 - 2020), who passed away peacefully on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 in his house in Leutershausen, in the presence of his partner Elisabeth Günther. You can read a detailed obituary written by Hans Harder here.

Posted on 07 Dec 2020
New book by Max Stille
I.B. Tauris recently published the new book “Islamic Sermons and Public Piety in Bangladesh - The Poetics of Popular Preaching” by Max Stille (former doctoral student at the department for Modern South Asian Languages and Literatures of the South Asia Institute and now executive director of NETZ e.V.).
Posted on 29 Jul 2020
Welcome to Dr. Justyna Kurowska

The South Asian Institute welcomes Dr. Justyna Kurowska as Research Assistant at the Department of Modern South Asian Languages and Literatures. She studied Indology at the University of Warsaw and Hindi at the Centre of Indian Languages, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. She received her PhD in 2019 at the Institute of Oriental Studies, Warsaw University on the modern Hindi novel´s approach to death, dying and the dead body.

Posted on 27 Jul 2020

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