Universität Heidelberg > Südasien-Institut > Abteilung Geographie > Mitarbeiter >

Publikationen - Lasafam Iturrizaga


  • Iturrizaga, L. (in print): Trends in historical and recent glacier fluctuations in the Karakoram Mountains. In: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie (Ed. L. Schrott, J.-C. Otto, H. Stötter, T. Glade)
  • Iturrizaga, L. (accepted): Ablation depression. In: Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers, Springer.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (2009): Lateroglacial landforms in subtropical high mountains: A case study from the Karakoram and Hindukush Mountains. In: Bierman, P. & P. Montgomery (Eds.): Key Concepts in Geomorphology, https://serc.carleton.edu/NAGTWorkshops/geomorph/vignettes/31937.html
  • Iturrizaga, L. (2009): Glacier lake outburst cascades and secondary temporary lake formations in the Hindukush Mountains. In: Bierman, P. & P. Montgomery (Eds.): Key Concepts in Geomorphology, https://serc.carleton.edu/NAGTWorkshops/geomorph/vignettes/31880.html
  • Iturrizaga, L. (2009): The formation of talus cones and scree slopes as result of the paraglacial landscape transformation in the Aconcagua-Massif (Argentina) and the Marmolejo Massif (Chile). In: Wörner, G. & S. Möller-McNett. International Lateinamerika Kolloquium, 144-146.
  • Iturrizaga, L (2008): Die Talschaft Chapursan - Zur Frage der geomorphologischen Genese von Schutthügellandschaften im Zusammenhang mit historischen Siedlungslandzerstörungen. In: Berichte zur Geowissenschaft, Shaker Verlag Aachen, 111 S.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (2008): Post-sedimentary transformation of lateral moraines: The tributary tongue basins of the Kvíárjökull (Iceland). In: Journal of Mountain Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1-16.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (2008): Paraglacial landform assemblages in the Hindukush and Karakoram Mountains. In: Geomorphology, 95, Issues 1-2, 27-47.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (2007): Die Eisrandtäler im Karakorum: Verbreitung, Genese und Morphodynamik des lateroglazialen Sedimentformenschatzes. In: Geography International, Shaker Verlag, Band 2, 389 S.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (2007): Paraglacial landscape transformation in High Asia: New insights from the Hindukush and Karakoram Mountains. In: Quaternary International,Â&xnbsp;Volumes 167-168, Supplement 1,Â&xnbsp;INQUA 2007, 189.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (2007): Trends in historical and modern glacier fluctuations in the Karakoram Mountains. In: Quaternary International,Â&xnbsp;Volumes 167-168, Supplement 1,Â&xnbsp;INQUA 2007, 189.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (2006): Key forms for reconstructing glacier dams, glacier lakes and outburst floods. Historical ice-dammed lakes in the Karambar valley, Hindukush (Pakistan). In: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementband 142, 361-388.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (2006): Transglacial sediments in the Karakoram (Pakistan) †- A case study from the Shimshal Valley. In: H. Kreutzmann (Hrsg.), Karakoram in Transition, Oxford University Press, 96-108.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (2005): Paraglacial (transglacial) landscapes in the Karakoram (Pakistan). In: Samuel Etienne (Ed.): Shifting lands. New insights into periglacial geomorphology. Collection “Géoenvironnement”, Editions Mélanie Séteun, 22-23.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (2005): Historische Eisstauseen und Gletscherseeausbrüche im Karambar-Tal (Hindukusch-Karakorum, Pakistan). In: Berliner Geographische Arbeiten, Band 100, 9-18.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (2005): Historical ice-dammed lakes in the Karambar valley, Hindukush (Pakistan). In: GeoJournal, Tibet and High Asia (VII): Glaciogeomorphology and Former Glaciation in the Himalaya and Karakorum, (M. Kuhle, Hrsg.), Vol. 62, no. 3-4, 1-47.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (2005): The historical Saklei Shuyinj and Chateboi glacier dams as trigger for lake outburst cascades in the Karambar valley (Hindukush). In: Island Arc, Vol. 14, No. 4, 389-399.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (2005): New observations on glacier lake outbursts in the Shimshal valley. In: Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, vol. 25, 545-555.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (2004): Ice-dammed lakes in the Karakoram-Hindukush-Mountains (Pakistan): Geomorphological impacts of glacier lake outburst floods in the Karambar valley. In: Himalayan Journal of Sciences, Vol. 2, Issue 4, Special Issue, The 19th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, Niseko, Hokkaido, Japan, 160-161.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (2003): The distribution and genesis of lateroglacial valleys in the Karakoram Mountains (Pakistan). In: Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie N.F., Suppl.-Bd. 130, 51-74.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (2002): Der Pumari Chhish-Gletscherausbruch (Karakoram, Pakistan): Geomorphologische Überprägungen des paraglazialen Sedimentationsumfeldes durch kurzzeitige Gletscherveränderungen. In: Terra Nostra, Schriften der Alfred-Wegener-Stiftung 2002/6, 128-133.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (2001): Lateroglacial valleys and landforms in the Karakoram Mountains (Pakistan). In: GeoJournal (M. Kuhle Hrsg.), Tibet & High Asia (VI), Glacio-geomorphology and prehistoric Glaciation in the Karakorum and Himalaya. Vol. 54 (2-4), 397-428.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (2000): The distribution of debris accumulations in the Rakhiot Valley, Nanga Parbat-N-Side (Pakistan). In: Miehe, G. & Zhang Yili (eds.), Environmental Changes in High Asia. Proceedings of an International Symposium at the University of Marburg. Marburger Geographische Schriften Heft 135, 28-39.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (2000): Postglacial Debris Accumulations in the Karakorum and Himalayas. In: Zheng Du & Zhu Liping (Hrsg.), Formation and Evolution, Environmental Changes and Sustainable Development on the Tibetan Plateau. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Xining/China 1998, 74-83.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (1999): Die Schuttkörper in Hochasien - Eine geomorphologische Bestandsaufnahme und Typologie postglazialer Hochgebirgsschuttkörper im Hindukusch, Karakorum und Himalaya. In: Göttinger Geographische Abhandlungen, Band 106, 326 S.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (1999): Typical debris accumulation forms and formations in High Asia. A glacial-history-based concept of the origin of Postglacial debris accumulation landscapes in subtropical high mountains with selected examples from the Hindu Kush, the Karakoram and the Himalayas. In: GeoJournal, Tibet and High Asia V, vol. 47, 277-339.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (1998): Glacier Induced Hazards as a Consequence of Glacigenic Mountain Landscapes, Ice-Dammed Lake Outbursts and Holocene Debris Production. In: Kalvoda, J. & C. Rosenfeld: Geomorphological Hazards in High Mountain Areas. The GeoJournal Library. 63-96. (zusammen mit M. Kuhle & S. Meiners)
  • Iturrizaga, L. (1998): Preliminary Results of Field Observations on the Typology of Postglacial Debris Accumulations in the Karakorum and Himalaya Mountains. In: Stellrecht, I. (Hrsg.): Karakorum-Hindukush-Himalaya: Dynamics of Change. Rüdiger Köppe Verlag Köln (=Culture Area Karakorum, Scientific Studies, Vol. 4, Part 1), 71-98.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (1998): Gletscher als Existenzgrundlage und Gefährdungspotential für die Hochgebirgssiedlung Shimshal im Nordwestkarakorum. In: Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen, Bd. 3/4, Vol. 142, 233-239, Justus Perthes Verlag Gotha.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (1997): Glacier outburst floods threatening the settlement Shimshal (North-West-Karakorum). In: Mahanta, K.C. (Hrsg.), People of the Himalayas, Journal of Human Ecology, Special Issue No. 6, 69-76.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (1997): The Valley of Shimshal - A Geographical Portrait of a Remote High Mountain Settlement And Its Pastures with reference to environmental habitat conditions in the North West Karakorum. In: GeoJournal (M. Kuhle Hrsg.), Tibet and High Asia IV, vol. 42, 2/3, July, 305-328.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (1996): Über das Naturgefahrenpotential für die Hochgebirgssiedlung Shimshal (3080m), Nord-West-Karakorum. In: Die Erde, 127, Heft 3, 205-220.
  • Iturrizaga, L. (1994): Das Naturgefahrenpotential in der Talschaft Shimshal, NW-Karakorum. Diplomarbeit, Universität Göttingen, 2 Bände, 210 S.