Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

SAI - News

New Publikation by Prof. Dr. Gita Dharampal-Frick
Reclam published Mahatma Gandhis „Was bedeutet das alles? Gewaltfreiheit”, edited by Prof. Dr. Gita Dharampal-Frick (Head of Department of History, South Asia Institute), with excerpts from Gandhi's speeches and writings.   His speeches and statements about nonviolence and political resistance had enormous influence in the past and shape the political debate until now.

This edition is compiled by Prof. Dr. Gita Dharampal-Frick, the editor of the standard edition of Gandhi's works, and offers the most important texts. A curriculum vitae as well as a map are also included in the book.

1   Widerstandskämpfer gegen die koloniale Hegemonie
2   Ein Mensch des Glaubens 
3   Gewaltfreiheit und Liebe: Religiös bestimmtes Handeln
4   Gelebte Wirtschaftsethik 
5   Satyagraha als politische Aktion
6   Visionäre Vorstellungen über Indiens Unabhängigkeit 
7    Die Welt von morgen 
Gandhis Leben und Wirken. Eine Chronologie 
Gandhis Indien 1915–1936 (Karte) 

Further information:
01 Apr 2014
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