Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

SAI - News

3rd Annual Meeting of the South Asia Study Group
The 3rd Annual Meeting of the South Asia Study Group within the German Geographical Society (DGfG) will take on 25 and 26 January 2013 at the SAI.
The programme comprises talks on current challenges for South Asia from a geographical perpective.The topics range from spatial conflicts and management of resources and risks to issues concerning tourism and energy industry. This year's meeting features a keynote entitled "Energy: driver of innovation for sustainable development?" by SAI-alumni Dr. Michael Köberlein, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The Study Group would be pleased to welcome participants from neighbouring disciplines and interested students. For information regarding the meeting and application (until 18 January 2013) please refer to: (Please note: the meeting will be mainly in German)
14 Jan 2013
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