Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

SAI - News

A new Mirror of Kāśī available on the Web
A HyperImage representation of Kailāsanātha Sukula's historical map Kāśīdarpaa (1876) is available now. This relaunch is based on the website published in 2001 by the Vārāasī Research Project of the South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University. It was recently transferred into a Hyperimage representation that annotates images in great detail by Jörg Gengnagel & HyperEvaluation Team (Matthias Arnold, Peter Gietz, Eric Decker, Giovanna Niebler, Wen-Ting Wu) „Asia and Europe“, Cluster of Excellence Karl Jaspers Center, Heidelberg University 2011. Find more details at the Cluster website.
17 Aug 2011
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