Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
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Research focus

Mapping Human Development in Nepal:
a regional and gender-based geography of education

  • When UNDP published its first "Human Development Report" in 1990 they introduced a new concept of defining and measuring "human development", by including not only economic variables but also two important social indicators, namely life expectancy and literacy (for map see Bohle & Graner 1997). In order to build up data bases for different South Asian countries, the Dept. of Geography has established a section for computer cartography where data for economic and social indicators form various sources (Population Censuses, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, World Bank, UNDP &al.) are collected and where some indicators are selectively visualised in form of maps.

  • Yet, these data and maps also need to be interpreted and published in order to be vital tools for regional planning. Thus, this project will be systematically building up a data base for indicators of human development in Nepal, such as the Human Development Report Index (Thapa 1996), education and health, focussing on a regional and gender-based analysis. Interpretation will be based on a time sequence of secondary data (1961 onwards) but also on studies and interpretations carried out by the authors. If funding is provided, district-level data will also be complemented by village-level case-studies. The final objective is to edit an atlas which comprises of different articles from authors who have contributed to this field of research.

Maps: Human Development

Maps: Education

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